Castello Errante Di Howl Libro Download

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Howl's Moving Castle is quirky and enchanting. Diana Wynne Jones' writing has an innocent wonder, humor, and subtle wisdom that is pure magic. I have read a shelf-full of her books and loved every one. This book not only didn't disappoint but was a delightful surprise. None of the characters is quite what they seem, even to themselves, and everything is in a lovely, chaotic mess. I did not read this book for a long time because I saw and loved Hayao Miyazaki's animated masterpiece based on the b Howl's Moving Castle is quirky and enchanting. Diana Wynne Jones' writing has an innocent wonder, humor, and subtle wisdom that is pure magic.

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I have read a shelf-full of her books and loved every one. This book not only didn't disappoint but was a delightful surprise. None of the characters is quite what they seem, even to themselves, and everything is in a lovely, chaotic mess.

I did not read this book for a long time because I saw and loved Hayao Miyazaki's animated masterpiece based on the book. I knew that the book and film were very different and I feared that the book could never live up to the movie. Boy, was I wrong!

Both the book and movie are their own unique works and both are perfect. I must now run out and buy the other books about Howl and Sofie! To put it kindly, this is an interesting book. For the /r/fantasy bingo, I’m attempting to complete three boards: a generic, anything goes board, a board comprised of entirely female authors, and a comic book one.

The comic book one is a bit tricky – some of the squares, like “desert setting” and “steampunk” are straightforward. Others, like “Any /r/Fantasy Goodreads Group Book Of The Month” or “Novel By an /r/Fantasy AMA Author OR Writer of the Day” are problematic and are requiring research and To put it kindly, this is an interesting book. For the /r/fantasy bingo, I’m attempting to complete three boards: a generic, anything goes board, a board comprised of entirely female authors, and a comic book one. The comic book one is a bit tricky – some of the squares, like “desert setting” and “steampunk” are straightforward. Others, like “Any /r/Fantasy Goodreads Group Book Of The Month” or “Novel By an /r/Fantasy AMA Author OR Writer of the Day” are problematic and are requiring research and help from the community (thank you for all of the recommendations, /r/fantasy!).

Lucky for me, some very popular prose stories – such as Howl’s Moving Castle – have been made into graphic novels. So while the /r/Fantasy Goodreads group read Diana Wynne Jones’s prose version of the book, I got to experience volume 1 of the manga. And an experience it was.

Because this book is entirely composed ofscreen-grabs from the movie. Of course any screen-grab from a Miyazaki film is going to be a work of art, so that fact alone doesn’t make it a 1-star. But the conversion from animated film to manga was done disappointingly poorly; the whole product comes across like very little thought or heart went into the task of creation.

Entire pages are devoted to minute movements. I understand that the creators of this book wanted to faithfully recreate the film butugh. I don’t need an entire page – eight panels – to see Sophie open a door. It’s like a really tough spot the difference puzzle! Even in scenes where things are happening – action, dialogue, story elements – the frames are set up like a film reel, side by side, all cut in neat little movie-screen-sized rectangles. This book comes across as a cheap cash grab, with no other purpose than to profit off of the beauty and artwork in the movie.

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I’m so glad this book exists, since it allows me to complete my bingo square – but the fact is, it really shouldn’t. If you want to read Howl’s Moving Castle, read Jones’s original masterpiece. If you want to see Miyazaki’s exquisite artwork, watch the movie. This comic is just a halfway between that doesn’t improve on either. Sophie is a quiet and shy girl working in his late father's hat shop. But one day everything changes: she meet a mysterious young man, is chased by some black creatures and finally displease Witch of the Waste, who transform her into a old woman. Sophie can't stay at home any more, so she have to try her wings and venture into the big strange world.

Soon she find herself in a moving castle of wizard Howl, who is rumoured to eat a hearts of the young and beautiful women. How can Sophie break the Sophie is a quiet and shy girl working in his late father's hat shop. But one day everything changes: she meet a mysterious young man, is chased by some black creatures and finally displease Witch of the Waste, who transform her into a old woman. Sophie can't stay at home any more, so she have to try her wings and venture into the big strange world. Soon she find herself in a moving castle of wizard Howl, who is rumoured to eat a hearts of the young and beautiful women.

How can Sophie break the curse? And what is the secret contract between Howl and the fire demon Calcifer? The manga in question is based on Hayao Miyazaki's anime film, which in turn is based on 's novel. Whereas anime take some liberties concerning the novel(not necessary bad ones), manga is almost fiercely loyal to the anime. Althought I usually like adaption that follow the original source for a certain extend, in this one I find it slightly annoying. The fault is not in the story line (which is the same as in the anime), it is more in the visual presentation: every screen is straight from the film. I have to admit it looks pretty cool, but the annoying part is that the similarities doesn't end there.

Manga is clearly trying to mirror the rhythm of the film, but it ends up becoming just small screens with just slight differences in them (like characters turn or sit), which is really irritating, because all the details stuffed into them makes them seem like find-10-differences pictures. That made me skip almost whole pages, where practically nothing happened. Another annoying detail was imagery of sounds. I don't know is it the same in the English version (I read them in Finnish), but the translator had been lazy and left them in their original Japanese form. Nothing doesn't break your reading rhythm better than an unintelligible scribble over an otherwise beautiful picture. I highly recommend that if you are interested of story would rather pick up the novel or the anime.

They honor the story way better. Diana Wynne Jones’ novel 'Howls Moving Castle' emphasizes many blending of themes. The book’s themes include a combination of love and romance, fate, and determination.

Jones synchronizes her message to her readers that love prospers all obstacles in this fantasy novel. The author makes it clear in this novel about her views of society today. With the addition of wars that create destruction and chaos that solve nothing. In addition the self conscious of appearance being a problem today in socie Diana Wynne Jones’ novel 'Howls Moving Castle' emphasizes many blending of themes.

The book’s themes include a combination of love and romance, fate, and determination. Jones synchronizes her message to her readers that love prospers all obstacles in this fantasy novel. The author makes it clear in this novel about her views of society today.


With the addition of wars that create destruction and chaos that solve nothing. In addition the self conscious of appearance being a problem today in society worldwide as a verity of age groups are becoming more obsessive on looks. Some parts of the book like the love between a young man and an old person made me uncomfortable. The fact that I'm not used to seeing this caused it.

Other fantasy and unordinary things made my understanding of the world better. I would highly recommend this book to others due to its creativity and fantasy.

It's a great book completely different than the animated film. It is a new world full of fantasy where it’s an ordinary daily routine to use magical powers.

Witches, wizards and demons exist and make this story exciting. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, I bought this years ago when Miyazaki's brilliant adaptation of Diana Wynne Jones's wonderful book came out and just reread it tonight.

Honestly it's less manga than it is screencaps of the movie but it is pretty none the less. It's a rare thing that I love a movie that differs so wildly from its source but I think that is owed to both how wonderful characters Howl and Sophie are and Miyazaki's masterful storytelling. Sophie's country is at the brink of war but her own life revolves around her lit I bought this years ago when Miyazaki's brilliant adaptation of Diana Wynne Jones's wonderful book came out and just reread it tonight. Honestly it's less manga than it is screencaps of the movie but it is pretty none the less.

It's a rare thing that I love a movie that differs so wildly from its source but I think that is owed to both how wonderful characters Howl and Sophie are and Miyazaki's masterful storytelling. Sophie's country is at the brink of war but her own life revolves around her little hat shop while her glamorous mother and sister are busy moving up in the world. Sophie, seeing herself as the practical plain Jane ends up crossing paths with the wizard Howl, who has a reputation for eating girl's hearts. Surprisingly he helps Sophie but this makes the Witch of the Waste think Sophie is important to him and she curses Sophie turning her into an old woman. Sophie goes off in search of Howl and finds his castle and his young apprentice Markl. She even tames Calcifer, Howl's fire demon and this volume ends with Howl returning to see her in his home.

While this was nice to have, I never did buy the rest. Instead I bought the anime which was more satisfying. Sophie is an ordinary girl living an ordinary life, but one night, she meets the Witch of the Waste who comes to her hat store. Sophie offends the witch and makes her angry, so the witch turns Sophie into an old woman.

This leads to a big journey for Sophie and her quest to undo the spell. She meets many different kinds of fantastical characters, including young wizard Howl, who soon becomes her friend.

Sophie starts out being a character who is not confident in herself, but as the story progres Sophie is an ordinary girl living an ordinary life, but one night, she meets the Witch of the Waste who comes to her hat store. Sophie offends the witch and makes her angry, so the witch turns Sophie into an old woman. This leads to a big journey for Sophie and her quest to undo the spell. She meets many different kinds of fantastical characters, including young wizard Howl, who soon becomes her friend. Sophie starts out being a character who is not confident in herself, but as the story progresses, she becomes a stronger character. A huge theme in this book is identity, which is great for upper grades. This book also came out in a movie, which can be fun to watch as a class after reading the book.

Castello Errante Di Howl Libro Download Full

It is a good read-aloud or independent reading choice for upper grade levels. Interest Level: 4-6 Approx Reading Level: 4-5 Guided Reading Level: N/A Lexile: N/A Genre: Fantasy Theme: Imagination, identity. I will openly admit that this book has it's flaws (there are a few leaps in character and story that lack development), but I really loved it. Sofie, the main character who has always been certain she will be a failure due to being the first born, has to set out on her own after mistaken identity causes her to be cursed with early old age. Her advanced years give her the courage and surliness to seek employment with the local 'wicked' wizard, Howl, as a cleaning lady.

There she lives, causing tr I will openly admit that this book has it's flaws (there are a few leaps in character and story that lack development), but I really loved it. Sofie, the main character who has always been certain she will be a failure due to being the first born, has to set out on her own after mistaken identity causes her to be cursed with early old age. Her advanced years give her the courage and surliness to seek employment with the local 'wicked' wizard, Howl, as a cleaning lady.

There she lives, causing trouble but also gaining a place in the 'family' with Howl, his fire demon, Calcifer and his assistant, Michael. Together, they evade a vengeful witch and unwillingly take part in the search for a missing prince and a missing royal wizard. All in all, even with the development issues, I really loved it and recommend it for your reading list.

There are also two sequels set in the same world and including some of the same characters. I found this story to be an interesting story however difficult to follow. When I read stories that are set in different worlds I am some what disconnected because at times there isn't something I can relate too. A young girl is cursed by a witch and embarks on a epic journey that culminates in some fun surprises. I liked how the overall story goes, for example the character of Howl is like a mix of Sherlock Holmes, a mad scientist and Dumbledore from harry potter. Some times you just wonder what I found this story to be an interesting story however difficult to follow.

When I read stories that are set in different worlds I am some what disconnected because at times there isn't something I can relate too. A young girl is cursed by a witch and embarks on a epic journey that culminates in some fun surprises. I liked how the overall story goes, for example the character of Howl is like a mix of Sherlock Holmes, a mad scientist and Dumbledore from harry potter. Some times you just wonder what he is doing and why he is doing it. There is fun moments between Sophie Calcefir and Michael who are all there to make sure howl keeps his head on straight. The dynamic between the characters and the elements that are connected to classics make an interesting world and an interesting story especially with all of the plot surprises that gives it a nice conclusion.

I would recommend this book to people who have a deep love for epic fantasy and can enjoy the thrill of a new world. I loved the book and liked both the anime and this film comic (all four parts, even though I'm only keeping the first one on my shelves). Can't even say with much certainty which one I I was acquainted with first, to be honest. Anyway, the manga's prettily drawn and captures the essential story quite well, in my opinion. I liked the overall visualisation and enjoyed the obvious Miyazakisms - it's always interesting to see how different artists interpret each other's art -, and I thought this ve I loved the book and liked both the anime and this film comic (all four parts, even though I'm only keeping the first one on my shelves).

Can't even say with much certainty which one I I was acquainted with first, to be honest. Anyway, the manga's prettily drawn and captures the essential story quite well, in my opinion. I liked the overall visualisation and enjoyed the obvious Miyazakisms - it's always interesting to see how different artists interpret each other's art -, and I thought this version was very well done, too.

Castello Errante Di Howl Libro Download Free

But I still prefer DJW's humour and her much more understated manner. Especially the main conflict and the ending is pretty dramatically altered from the original, and I'm not sure it's entirely for the better. It would be interesting to re-read these with fresh eyes, too, now that I pretty much know the story backwards. Sophie is an unsatisfied young woman with a magical talent in bringing things to life. She embarks on a journey after being cursed by a witch to become an aged woman, to meet Howl (a wizard), and Calcifer (a fallen star), along with other characters. Throughout the novel, Sophie comes to terms with her inner-self and by so doing demonstrates great courage and loyalty, freeing more than just herself from the awful curse given to her by the witch. I thought this novel was very refreshing in beating Sophie is an unsatisfied young woman with a magical talent in bringing things to life.

She embarks on a journey after being cursed by a witch to become an aged woman, to meet Howl (a wizard), and Calcifer (a fallen star), along with other characters. Throughout the novel, Sophie comes to terms with her inner-self and by so doing demonstrates great courage and loyalty, freeing more than just herself from the awful curse given to her by the witch. I thought this novel was very refreshing in beating the norms of most fairy tale-twisted novels. The fairy tales are not explicit by any means, however, the intention of many of the stories are hidden within the actual story. It was very creatively done and interesting. I liked this book a lot and would recommend it to a large YA audience. There is no concern with language or other censorship problems.

This particular adaptation of Howl's Moving Castle suffers for fault of the medium by which it is being conveyed. By choosing to take screenshots of the film and superimposing dialogue over them, pacing is placed by the wayside. There are too many panels required to show an action as simple as standing because Miyazaki's art style is so fluid and there is so much movement. Had they simply foregone some of the smaller, less essential motions or combined separate actions into a single panel (ie: S This particular adaptation of Howl's Moving Castle suffers for fault of the medium by which it is being conveyed.

By choosing to take screenshots of the film and superimposing dialogue over them, pacing is placed by the wayside. There are too many panels required to show an action as simple as standing because Miyazaki's art style is so fluid and there is so much movement. Had they simply foregone some of the smaller, less essential motions or combined separate actions into a single panel (ie: Sophie standing up and groaning with a hand pressed to her back does not need three panels to show) this could have been a great manga. As it is, this will only be read by fans of other forms of this story because they want to consume all that is related to 'Howl's Moving Castle' and never on its own merit.


Sophie is the oldest out of three girls. This means her life will be ordinary and boring. That is until the evil Witch of the Waste shows up and turns her into an old lady. Now Sophie's only option is to go hitch a ride with the Wizard Howl (who is known the eat young girls hearts) in hopes that he will figure out she is under a spell and break it for her. Sophie finds all sorts of secrets and discoveries in Howls castle.

She didn't know how much adventure she was signing up for. A very creative Sophie is the oldest out of three girls. This means her life will be ordinary and boring. That is until the evil Witch of the Waste shows up and turns her into an old lady. Now Sophie's only option is to go hitch a ride with the Wizard Howl (who is known the eat young girls hearts) in hopes that he will figure out she is under a spell and break it for her.

Sophie finds all sorts of secrets and discoveries in Howls castle. She didn't know how much adventure she was signing up for. A very creative story line. It's a little weird, and very far fetched. If you are into spells and wizards this is the book for you. I didn't see a whole lot of meaning behind the story.

It was entertaining, but I feel like it drug on and on without a solid plot. It would be fun to read with your kids or younger siblings. As much as I loved diving back into the story of Howl's Moving Castle (the art, the characters, the magic!), I found this adaptation a bit difficult to read. THe editors included the whole story and all of the details, but the way that the page layout was constructed is a bit messy. The image-stills from the film were well chosen, but their placement on the page was often jumbled and didn't match up with the textual accompaniment. Further complicating the issue was the inclusion of speech bubble As much as I loved diving back into the story of Howl's Moving Castle (the art, the characters, the magic!), I found this adaptation a bit difficult to read.

THe editors included the whole story and all of the details, but the way that the page layout was constructed is a bit messy. The image-stills from the film were well chosen, but their placement on the page was often jumbled and didn't match up with the textual accompaniment. Further complicating the issue was the inclusion of speech bubbles; sometimes they repeated fhrases from the text, but other times they were additional speech so it was never quite clear if the reader must read them or whether the text or bubbled should be read first. I would really like to see a little bit more thought being put into these books, since I'm sure that they would be treasured if done well. I liked this story.

I appreciated the uniqueness of it. Although it had aspects that are in many books, magic, romance, strong female characters, etc. It was cool to read one of the first novels to incorporate these things. I would recommend this book to people who enjoy Harry Potter or similar books. I liked Sophie because she learns to be strong and she takes control of her life. Something difficult happens in her life and instead of lying down and taking it she goes out to fix her problem. So I liked this story.

I appreciated the uniqueness of it. Although it had aspects that are in many books, magic, romance, strong female characters, etc. It was cool to read one of the first novels to incorporate these things.

I would recommend this book to people who enjoy Harry Potter or similar books. I liked Sophie because she learns to be strong and she takes control of her life. Something difficult happens in her life and instead of lying down and taking it she goes out to fix her problem. Sophie is the first born in her family and in her world that means she is doomed to be a failure. She ends up being cursed by a witch and needs to go figure out how to reverse it. She goes to the wizard Howl and ends up living with him, fixing food and cleaning. Howl is a curmudgeon.

Sophie and howl are enlisted to find a prince and have to work together to achieve this. Sophie, a young hat-maker who comes into contact with the Witch of the Waste, who turns the girl in an old woman - and eventually comes into contact with the wizard Howl. Sophie begins work as a cleaner in Howl's magical, moving castle, which appears to be a mish-mash of parts and pieces from other machines and gears all thrown together, and ends up finding refuge there with the friends she meets (not least of which is the fire demon known as Calcifer). Howl's courage (and vanity) inspires Sophi Sophie, a young hat-maker who comes into contact with the Witch of the Waste, who turns the girl in an old woman - and eventually comes into contact with the wizard Howl. Sophie begins work as a cleaner in Howl's magical, moving castle, which appears to be a mish-mash of parts and pieces from other machines and gears all thrown together, and ends up finding refuge there with the friends she meets (not least of which is the fire demon known as Calcifer). Howl's courage (and vanity) inspires Sophie to seek a cure for her inept state, and in working with Howl, they manage to stop a major war from breaking out as they roam the countryside on a magical castle with mechanical legs. Summary: Sophie works for her step-mother’s hat shop, and will eventually own it.

Though her future doesn’t seem good as her younger sisters seem to get better fortune. It all seemed normal until her encounter with Howl and the witch of the waste. Now cursed as an old woman, Sophie seeks out a better fortune in Howl’s moving castle, and hopes that she can find a way to break the curse on herself. My thoughts: I enjoyed this book though I do like the movie better.

This book did have a good amount of Summary: Sophie works for her step-mother’s hat shop, and will eventually own it. Though her future doesn’t seem good as her younger sisters seem to get better fortune. It all seemed normal until her encounter with Howl and the witch of the waste. Now cursed as an old woman, Sophie seeks out a better fortune in Howl’s moving castle, and hopes that she can find a way to break the curse on herself. My thoughts: I enjoyed this book though I do like the movie better. This book did have a good amount of wit and it kept me interested for a long time.


Even my wife picked it up and read it cover to cover. Disclaimers: This book is pretty clean. I thought this was a great story with unique perspectives which I love about young adult literature. The technique telling it is why I gave it a low rating. Taking into consideration I believe this book was written for a younger audience than an adult, it was somewhat predictable, some parts were confusing to figure out what was going on and lacked good description. Characters were fairly hashed out but nothing spectacular.

And character development was jolting at times with character changes t I thought this was a great story with unique perspectives which I love about young adult literature. The technique telling it is why I gave it a low rating. Taking into consideration I believe this book was written for a younger audience than an adult, it was somewhat predictable, some parts were confusing to figure out what was going on and lacked good description. Characters were fairly hashed out but nothing spectacular. And character development was jolting at times with character changes too quick or out of the blue. I gave it a two, but it almost deserves a three star. I enjoyed it as a first read but probably won't come back to it.

I like many others picked up this book after seeing the Hayao Miyazaki animated interpretation. I am a huge Hayao fan and became extremely interested in the story line. I must say, the plot of the novel is almost completely different than the film but in the end I closed the book smiling. The characters weren't as romanticized as in the film but it added depth to their character and charm.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story. This is going on that short list of books I will likely read and re-read un I like many others picked up this book after seeing the Hayao Miyazaki animated interpretation.

I am a huge Hayao fan and became extremely interested in the story line. I must say, the plot of the novel is almost completely different than the film but in the end I closed the book smiling.

The characters weren't as romanticized as in the film but it added depth to their character and charm. I thoroughly enjoyed the story.

This is going on that short list of books I will likely read and re-read until the binding falls apart. Set of four books that are basically stills from the movie plucked out and put into book form to tell the story. I really like the movie, so I like these books. Only slight annoyance is that though the dialog has been translated from Japanese, the sound effects aren't. There is is guide to sound effects at the back of the book, but it would interrupt the flow of reading too much, so I didn't use it.

Nice to have the story in book form if you want to relive it and aren't in a position to watch a Set of four books that are basically stills from the movie plucked out and put into book form to tell the story. I really like the movie, so I like these books. Only slight annoyance is that though the dialog has been translated from Japanese, the sound effects aren't. There is is guide to sound effects at the back of the book, but it would interrupt the flow of reading too much, so I didn't use it.

Nice to have the story in book form if you want to relive it and aren't in a position to watch a video.