Raspberry Pi Serial Port Uarts

  1. Raspberry Pi Uart Tutorial
  2. Multiple Uart Raspberry Pi

By default the Raspberry Pi’s serial port is configured to be used for console input/output. This can help to fix problems during boot, or to log in to the Pi if the video and network are not available. To be able to use the serial port to connect and talk to other devices (e.g. A modem a printer.

Here’s how to add a 9-pin serial port to your Raspberry Pi, and it’ll only take you 10 mins. Well, maybe a couple of weeks to wait for the part to arrive from Hong Kong, but once it arrives, it’s only 10 minutes! Nokia bb5 usb utility. 😉 Here’s the part you’ll need. It’s an RS232 to TTL converter module containing a MAX3232 chip. The MAX3232 is important, as the older MAX232 won’t handle the 3.3v levels of the Pi, whereas the Max3232 will. It comes with a 4-way cable for connecting the module to the GPIO of your Pi.

Raspberry Pi Uart Tutorial

Raspberry Pi Serial Port Uarts

Multiple Uart Raspberry Pi

If you search on eBay for “RS232 Serial Port To TTL Converter Module MAX3232” you should find several. The one I got cost me €3 with free shipping from Hong Kong. Here’s another view, showing the bottom of the module, indicating the +5V, GND, Tx and Rx pins. Simply attach the cable to the module, and connect to the 5V, GND, UART Rx and UART Tx pins of the GPIO. And a closer view of the GPIO connections. I removed the bolts from the module so that I could plug directly into the serial port of my laptop without a long serial cable.

Once the module was attached to the laptop serial port, I downloaded PuTTY, and attached to the com port (usually COM1) at 115200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and no flow control. Once I applied the settings in PuTTY, I powered on the Raspberry Pi, and saw the entire boot process displayed out the UART of the Raspberry Pi and into PuTTY on the Laptop. A login prompt was displayed, and I could then log in over the UART as normal. Now to find a project that needs serial port access. I do have a few in mind! Hi, we have one problem for about Rs232 example I want give or take 1 data Pi to PC, I can send to PC no problem but I cant take Pc to Pi any data if I send 30 times or 40 times after I can send PC to Pi then it be normaly but if I push caracter from keyboard after lock serial com after I send again 30 or 40 times data then open again after normaly I tried resister then I use max3232 but no change only I have problem for Pi to PC send wire example some example I have from internet “Pi serial com. To ardiuno” but this not work I will wait your helps thanks a lot.