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Package: Summary: Distribution: Download: dropbox-0.7.110-1.el5.rf.x8664.html: Sync and backup files between computers: DAG packages for Red Hat Linux el5 x8664.

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Administration. Blog Stats. 211,361 hits. If you compiled and installed GCC 4.6 and during the Android Gingerbread (or another software) compilation you received the following error message: “ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64”. Don’t worry about that. You are just using a wrong architecture of the in the folder /usr/lib32 in Ubuntu 64 bits. To solve that, open a terminal, go to the place where you have built GCC 4.6 and run the commands below: sudo cp build/x8664-unknown-linux-gnu/32/libstdc-v3/src/.libs/ /usr/lib32 cd /usr/lib32 sudo rm sudo ln -s sudo ln -s sudo ldconfig Doing that, we copied the for 32 bits in /usr/lib32 and also updated the links to this one. Cisc handbook of steel construction 10th edition.


Now, all software that need this lib for 32 bits will use this one for compilation. Remember, the lib is the version when I compiled GCC 4.6. If you get the file recently, this version will be different. Just don’t forget to change the reference to this one. See you next time. After update my Ubuntu I have decided to update the GCC. This procedure follow the same posted in.

The only detail is about the version that was updated. Instead of use the file gcc-4.6-20110401.tar.bz2 now you must use gcc-4.6-20110429.tar.bz2. Don’t forget to change the line:./ gcc-4.6-20110401/configure –disable-checking –enable-languages=c,c –enable-multiarch –enable-shared –enable-threads=posix –program-suffix=-4.6 –with-gmp=/usr/local/lib –with-mpc=/usr/lib –with-mpfr=/usr/lib –without-included-gettext –with-system-zlib –with-tune=generic To:./gcc-4.6-20110429/configure –disable-checking –enable-languages=c,c –enable-multiarch –enable-shared –enable-threads=posix –program-suffix=-4.6 –with-gmp=/usr/local/lib –with-mpc=/usr/lib –with-mpfr=/usr/lib –without-included-gettext –with-system-zlib –with-tune=generic That`s it. See you next time.

Hello everybody. Last weekend I was compiling the Qt to build KDE. The compilation finished without problem but to generate the local API documentation, the following error occurred: GLIBCXX3.4.15 not found. I’ve had compiled the GCC 4.6 as shown in and when I’ve installed it, the file “” was not installed in “/usr/lib/”. To solve that, copy the file from build directory (this location refer where you compiled GCC 4.6): sudo cp gcc/build/x8664-unknown-linux-gnu/libstdc-v3/src/.libs/ /usr/lib/ Now, redirect the links to point to this new one: sudo rm sudo ln -s sudo ln -s Done that, the local API documentation was generated without problem.

See you at next time. This post is a translation about one I posted in Portuguese. This is very interesting and I decide to do that. As usual, before to start the installation we need to install some packages that are required. Open a shell and type: sudo apt-get install mpc libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libppl0.10-dev libcloog-ppl-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev libc6-dev-i386 m4 flex Also we need to install the package gmp, however it doesn’t have in the Ubuntu’s repository. So, this one we will have to install it manually.

Download it from and follow the procedure below to install it. – Extract the file: tar xvf gmp4.3.2+dfsg.orig.tar.gz – Using a shell, access the folder uncompressed – Run:./configure make sudo make install make check From site, download the file gcc-4.6-20110401.tar.bz2 to a folder called gcc. Using a shell, go to gcc folder and extract the file: tar xjvf gcc-4.6-20110401.tar.bz2 Still in gcc folder, create another folder called build: mkdir build Now you will have a directory structure like this: gcc/build gcc/gcc-4.6-20110401 Finally, it’s time to compile the GCC.