Learning HTML 4.0 6-CD Set


. Web colors are used in, and the methods for describing and specifying those colors. Colors may be specified as an triplet or in format (a hex triplet) or according to their common English names in some cases. A or other is often used to generate color values. In some uses, hexadecimal color codes are specified with notation using a leading (#).

A color is specified according to the intensity of its red, green and blue components, each represented by eight. Thus, there are 24 bits used to specify a web color within the sRGB gamut, and 16,777,216 colors that may be so specified. Colors outside the sRGB gamut can be specified in by making one or more of the red, green and blue components negative or greater than 100%, so the color space is theoretically an unbounded extrapolation of sRGB similar to.

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Specifying a non-sRGB color this way requires the RGB function call; it is impossible with the hexadecimal syntax (and thus impossible in legacy documents that do not use CSS). The first versions of and used the as the basis for their color lists, as both started as applications. Web colors have an unambiguous colorimetric definition, which relates the of a particular set, a given transfer curve, adaptive whitepoint, and viewing conditions. These have been chosen to be similar to many real-world and viewing conditions, in order to allow rendering to be fairly close to the specified values even without.

Vary in the fidelity with which they represent the specified colors. More advanced user agents use color management to provide better color fidelity; this is particularly important for applications. Contents. Hex triplet A hex triplet is a six-digit, three- number used in, and other computing applications to represent colors. The bytes represent the red, green and blue components of the color. One byte represents a number in the range 00 to FF (in hexadecimal notation), or 0 to 255 in decimal notation.

This represents the least (0) to the most (255) intensity of each of the color components. Thus web colors specify colors in the (24-bit RGB) color scheme. The hex triplet is formed by concatenating three bytes in hexadecimal notation, in the following order: Byte 1: red value (color type red) Byte 2: green value (color type green) Byte 3: blue value (color type blue) For example, consider the color where the red/green/blue values are decimal numbers: red=36, green=104, blue=160 (a grayish-blue color). The decimal numbers 36, 104 and 160 are equivalent to the hexadecimal numbers 24, 68 and A0 respectively. The hex triplet is obtained by concatenating the 6 hexadecimal digits together, 2468A0 in this example. If any one of the three color values is less than 10 hex (16 decimal), it must be represented with a leading zero so that the triplet always has exactly six digits. For example, the decimal triplet 4, 8, 16 would be represented by the hex digits 04, 08, 10, forming the hex triplet 040810.

Learning Html 4.0 6-cd Settings

The number of colors that can be represented by this system is 16 6 or 256 3 or 2 24 = 16,777,216. Shorthand hexadecimal form An abbreviated, three (hexadecimal)-digit form is used. Expanding this form to the six-digit form is as simple as doubling each digit: 09C becomes 0099CC as presented on the following example. See also: RGB values are usually given in the 0–255 range; if they are in the 0–1 range, the values are multiplied by 255 before conversion.

This number divided by sixteen (integer division; ignoring any remainder) gives us the first hexadecimal digit (between 0 and F, where the letters A to F represent the numbers ten to fifteen. See for more details). The remainder gives us the second hexadecimal digit.

For instance the RGB value 201 divides into twelve groups of sixteen, thus the first digit is C. A remainder of nine gives us the hexadecimal number C9. This process is repeated for each of the three color values. Conversion between number bases is a common feature of calculators, including both hand-held models and the software calculators bundled with most modern. Web-based tools specifically for converting color values are also available. HTML color names The 4.01 specification, ratified in 1999, defines 16 named colors, as follows (names are defined in this context to be case-insensitive).

Main article: A number of colors are defined. A particular browser may not recognize all of these colors, but as of 2005 all modern, general-use, graphical browsers support the full list of colors. Many of these colors are from the list of distributed with the. These colors were standardized by, and are accepted by user agents. They are not part of.

The list of colors shipped with the X11 product varies between implementations, and clashes with certain of the HTML names such as green. X11 colors are defined as simple (hence, no particular color space), rather than. This means that the list of colors found in X11 (e.g., in /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt) should not directly be used to choose colors for the web. The list of web 'X11 colors' from the CSS3 specification, along with their hexadecimal and decimal equivalents, is shown below. Compare the alphabetical lists in the W3C standards.

This includes the common synonyms: aqua (HTML4/CSS 1.0 standard name) and cyan (common sRGB name), magenta (common sRGB name) and fuchsia (HTML4/CSS 1.0 standard name), gray (HTML4/CSS 1.0 standard name) and grey. In the early days of computing, many displays were only capable of displaying 256 colors. These may be dictated by the hardware or changeable by a 'color table'. When a color is found (e.g., in an image) that is not one available, a different one had to be used. This can be done by either using the closest color, speeding up the load time, or by using, which results in more accurate results but takes longer to load due to the complex calculations. There were various attempts to make a 'standard' color palette. A set of colors was needed that could be shown without dithering on 256-color displays; the number 216 was chosen partly because computer operating systems customarily reserved sixteen to twenty colors for their own use; it was also selected because it allows exactly six equally spaced shades of red, green, and blue (6 × 6 × 6 = 216), each from 00 to FF (including both limits).

The list of colors is presented as if it had special properties that render them immune to dithering. In actual fact however, on 256-color displays applications can set a palette of any selection of colors that they choose, dithering the rest. These colors were chosen specifically because they matched the palettes selected by various browser applications. There were not very different palettes in use in different browsers. 'Web-safe' colors had a flaw in that, on systems such as where the palette is shared between applications, smaller color cubes (5×5×5 or 4×4×4) were allocated by browsers—the 'web safe' colors would dither on such systems. Different results were obtained by providing an image with a larger range of colors and allowing the browser to the color space if needed, rather than suffer the quality loss of a double quantization. As of 2011, personal computers typically have 24-bit and the use of 'web-safe' colors has fallen into practical disuse.

The 'web-safe' colors do not all have standard names, but each can be specified by an triplet: each component (red, green, and blue) takes one of the six values from the following table (out of the 256 possible values available for each component in full 24-bit color). 6 shades of each color Key Hex Decimal Fraction 0 00 0 0 3 33 51 0.2 6 66 102 0.4 9 99 153 0.6 C or (12) CC 204 0.8 F or (15) FF 255 1 The following table shows all of the 'web-safe' colors. One shortcoming of the web-safe palette is its small range of light colors for webpage backgrounds, whereas the intensities at the low end of the range, such as the two darkest, are similar to each other, making them hard to distinguish. Color table In the table below, Each color code listed is a shorthand for the RGB value; for example, code 609 is equivalent to RGB code 102-0-153 or HEX code #660099. Color added in CSS 2.1 Name (RGB) (RGB) (RGB) (RGB) (HSL/HSV) (HSL) (HSL) (HSV) (HSV) Alias #FFA500 100% 65% 0% 000000000♠39° 100% 50% 100% 100% CSS 2, and CSS 2.1 allow web authors to use system colors, which are color names whose values are taken from the, picking the operating system's highlighted text color, or the background color for tooltip controls. This enables web authors to style their content in line with the operating system of the user agent. The color module has the use of system colors in favor of CSS3 UI System Appearance property, which itself was subsequently dropped from CSS3.

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The developing CSS3 specification also introduces values to style sheets. Color added in CSS4 Colors module Name (RGB) (RGB) (RGB) (RGB) (HSL/HSV) (HSL) (HSL) (HSV) (HSV) Alias RebeccaPurple #663399 40% 20% 60% 000000000♠270° 50% 40% 67% 60% Accessibility Some and devices do not support colors. For these displays, or for blind and colorblind users, Web content depending on colors can be unusable or difficult to use.

Either no colors should be specified (to invoke the browser's default colors), or both the background and all foreground colors (such as the colors of plain text, unvisited links, hovered links, active links, and visited links) should be specified to avoid black on black or white on white effects. See also.


Span 1 span 1 span 1 span 1 span 1 span 1 span 1 span 1 span 1 span 1 span 1 span 1 span 4 span 4 span 4 span 4 span 8 span 6 span 6 span 12 Bootstrap's grid system is responsive, and the columns will re-arrange depending on the screen size: On a big screen it might look better with the content organized in three columns, but on a small screen it would be better if the content items were stacked on top of each other. Grid Classes The Bootstrap 4 grid system has five classes:.col- (extra small devices - screen width less than 576px).col-sm- (small devices - screen width equal to or greater than 576px).col-md- (medium devices - screen width equal to or greater than 768px).col-lg- (large devices - screen width equal to or greater than 992px).col-xl- (xlarge devices - screen width equal to or greater than 1200px) The classes above can be combined to create more dynamic and flexible layouts.

Tip: Each class scales up, so if you wish to set the same widths for sm and md, you only need to specify sm. Grid System Rules Some Bootstrap 4 grid system rules:. Rows must be placed within a.container (fixed-width) or.container-fluid (full-width) for proper alignment and padding. Use rows to create horizontal groups of columns. Content should be placed within columns, and only columns may be immediate children of rows. Predefined classes like.row and.col-sm-4 are available for quickly making grid layouts. Columns create gutters (gaps between column content) via padding.

That padding is offset in rows for the first and last column via negative margin on.rows. Grid columns are created by specifying the number of 12 available columns you wish to span. For example, three equal columns would use three.col-sm-4. Column widths are in percentage, so they are always fluid and sized relative to their parent element. The biggest difference between Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 is that Bootstrap 4 now uses flexbox, instead of floats. One big advantage with flexbox is that grid columns without a specified width will automatically layout as equal width columns.

Example: Three elements with.col-sm will each automatically be 33.33% wide from the small breakpoint and up. Tip: If you want to learn more about Flexbox, you can read our Basic Structure of a Bootstrap 4 Grid The following is a basic structure of a Bootstrap 4 grid.

The first star (.) represents the responsiveness: sm, md, lg or xl, while the second star represents a number, which should always add up to 12 for each row. Second example: instead of adding a number to each col, let bootstrap handle the layout, to create equal width columns: two 'col' elements = 50% width to each col. Three cols = 33.33% width to each col. Four cols = 25% width, etc.

You can also use.col-sm md lg xl to make the columns responsive. Grid Options The following table summarizes how the Bootstrap 4 grid system works across different screen sizes.