Halifax Drivers Test Route
Has anyone did their driving test in Sackville NS?Just wondering what route they might use on the day. I'd better get stuck into the drivers handbook again.i thought i knew it all until i did the online theory test Not good. I was the same re online theory, have got a bit better now I think, so may attempt the theory this week aswell.
Dont have much longer to get this sorted 5 week wait for practical test, but hope will be ok if i am booked to sit the test within the time frames Good luck, see you next week at Truro meet up. I wouldn't worry too much about the NS driving test as its quite straight forward. The theory test i took in Dartmouth when i got a couple wrong i was able to explain my answer, the lady asked if i'd driven in London which i had, she then corrected the ones i.d got wrong and passed me. The guy that took me for the driving test in Halifax had already stamped passed on the sheet before i drove around one block about back to the test station. His words were 'i'm not gonna tell you how to drive as you've been driving forever'. I wouldn't worry too much about the NS driving test as its quite straight forward.
The driving test routes listed may not be followed exactly by your examiner, as the precise routes change. However, the general route remains the same. Nowadays the driving test has turned into more of a box ticking exercise, and so understanding your local test centre routes will make the process easier. Driving Lessons in Halifax Driving Schools. Please use the add link request form below if you wish to add your driving school in UK-driving-test.com Please mention per hour fees or any other special offers from your school upto 80 words only. Instructor or School address and telephone no. Halifax driving test centre is just outside of the main town, next to the Albert Resiviour. Busy roads to practice would be the A646, A58 and A629 as these could come up in your exam. On your test, the route could involve roundabouts, crossroads and junctions of a complex nature. This is why practicing Halifax's test routes is.
The theory test i took in Dartmouth when i got a couple wrong i was able to explain my answer, the lady asked if i'd driven in London which i had, she then corrected the ones i.d got wrong and passed me. The guy that took me for the driving test in Halifax had already stamped passed on the sheet before i drove around one block about back to the test station.
His words were 'i'm not gonna tell you how to drive as you've been driving forever' Thanks Stu, That's the very examiner i'm looking for.do you have his mobile number?
I'm wondering if someone could tell me what the test route is for the road test in Halifax. My daughter is going for her road test next week and to prep her for the test, we're thinking of making her go through the route a few times before the actual test. I would appreciate hearing from you guys.
Maria Now don't take this the wrong way, but this request irks me a little bit. Your daughter should be capable of driving in.all.
driving conditions, and prepping her for the driving test should be done in the most severe and diverse types of traffic possible. Take her out during rush hour, have her do parallel parking downtown during the daytime, when there'll be people to honk and get under her skin for holding up traffic.
There's no point in having her frequent the route taken by driver examiners because all that will do is have her comfortable with that particular route. What happens when she has to drive in different conditions, perhaps in an area where she's not familiar? There are enough bad drivers on the roads around here, and trying to cross the bridges during the rush hour yesterday proved that quite well.
If your daughter isn't skilled enough to pass the driver's test without being forewarned about the route that will be taken, then she really shouldn't have a driver's licence. She'll be a hazard to herself, and to others. I'm wondering if someone could tell me what the test route is for the road test in Halifax. My daughter is going for her road test next week and to prep her for the test, we're thinking of making her go through the route a few times before the actual test.
I would appreciate hearing from you guys. Maria Now don't take this the wrong way, but this request irks me a little bit. Your daughter should be capable of driving in.all.
driving conditions, and prepping her for the driving test should be done in the most severe and diverse types of traffic possible. Take her out during rush hour, have her do parallel parking downtown during the daytime, when there'll be people to honk and get under her skin for holding up traffic. There's no point in having her frequent the route taken by driver examiners because all that will do is have her comfortable with that particular route. What happens when she has to drive in different conditions, perhaps in an area where she's not familiar? There are enough bad drivers on the roads around here, and trying to cross the bridges during the rush hour yesterday proved that quite well. If your daughter isn't skilled enough to pass the driver's test without being forewarned about the route that will be taken, then she really shouldn't have a driver's licence. She'll be a hazard to herself, and to others.
David she didn't ask for your life story.Just a simple Q: Go chase a car or don't be a dick all your life with luck will be short. I don't think that was being dickish at all. He meant no offense and I was about to post something similar but he beat me to it. If she can't pass her test without knowing the route, she is not a driver I want to meet up with on the road, however she could do just fine, but thats up to the tester.
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A mother ask a Q: David go on all day about it.You should be out there taken pics of bad drivers & telling us what is worng with this picture. Peter, don't mind George. He's just got his panties in a knot because he got shown as a puppy mill operator a couple of days ago. He was no doubt bent out of shape that I didn't post yesterday, as he was chomping at the bit at my first post today. I think I might have a stalker - have to keep an eye on this wingnut.
George, once again, go shit in your hat. You're an asshole puppy miller, and you deserve to rot in a cell somewhere as someone's bitch.
David she didn't ask for your life story.Just a simple Q: Go chase a car or don't be a dick all your life with luck will be short. I don't think that was being dickish at all. He meant no offense and I was about to post something similar but he beat me to it.
If she can't pass her test without knowing the route, she is not a driver I want to meet up with on the road, however she could do just fine, but thats up to the tester. A mother ask a Q: David go on all day about it.You should be out there taken pics of bad drivers & telling us what is worng with this picture. Peter, don't mind George. He's just got his panties in a knot because he got shown as a puppy mill operator a couple of days ago. He was no doubt bent out of shape that I didn't post yesterday, as he was chomping at the bit at my first post today. I think I might have a stalker - have to keep an eye on this wingnut.
George, once again, go shit in your hat. You're an asshole puppy miller, and you deserve to rot in a cell somewhere as someone's bitch. Thanks weaver2825. You're absolutely right, I'm just a mother trying to support my daughter in her road test. It was an honest question that did not merit these rude answers. Maybe you should have made sure that your daughter was well instructed in the operation of a motor vehicle. If you had taken the time to do that, you wouldn't be worried that she can't pass the road test without cheating.
How are you going to feel if she cripples herself or some one else because she can't handle her responsibility behind the wheel? Maybe you should have made sure that your daughter was well instructed in the operation of a motor vehicle. If you had taken the time to do that, you wouldn't be worried that she can't pass the road test without cheating. How are you going to feel if she cripples herself or some one else because she can't handle her responsibility behind the wheel?
You're assuming the worst, Brian, and I don't think that's fair to the OP. You don't know that this new driver hasn't been well versed on the operation of a motor vehicle. You don't know that she hasn't had varied and diverse experiences on the roads. All the OP is asking is what route the RMV uses.

If there is a 'set route', then quite frankly perhaps it is the RMV you should be criticizing, and not those who want to know what the route is in advance. Perhaps the RMV should use a different route for every test (and perhaps they do). Really, I don't see how it matters anyway. Even if they do use a 'set route', no two road tests are going to have identical driving conditions. One day you may go through the lights at Chebucto and Mumford with no problems; the next day someone might run the red light. That's what the driving test is all about.
So what harm comes from practicing the known route? How is it any different than practicing on ANY road?
By your logic, it seems that ANY driving practice before the road test is 'cheating', which is absurd. All the OP is asking is what route the RMV uses. If there is a 'set route', then quite frankly perhaps it is the RMV you should be criticizing, and not those who want to know what the route is in advance. Perhaps the RMV should use a different route for every test (and perhaps they do).
Really, I don't see how it matters anyway. Even if they do use a 'set route', no two road tests are going to have identical driving conditions. One day you may go through the lights at Chebucto and Mumford with no problems; the next day someone might run the red light. That's what the driving test is all about. So what harm comes from practicing the known route? How is it any different than practicing on ANY road?
By your logic, it seems that ANY driving practice before the road test is 'cheating', which is absurd. Relax, a little tormenting is good for the soul. Relax, a little tormenting is good for the soul.
Then what would the point of Hfx.General be?;) wmd I was going to remain silent having been disappointed the night of the HNO. I was driving with three others in the car along Joe Howe, heading for the bridge, when the woman in the large vehicle besides me started wobbling in her lane to my right. I let slip with some colourful language and db told me it was a woman, on her cell 'phone. I asked him to hush up before Brian found out.
No seriously, since Brian and I had our original dispute over women drivers, I have watched more carefully and have to admit that today, young women are just as bad as men drivers. I say young because they are the ones I have observed merging incorrectly on to highways, talking on 'phones (though that is not exclusive to women) and just generally doing what I consider stupid things. I, of course, just like Brian, drive competently, the only difference being that I have had speeding tickets. What more can I say? Raw Message '.just as bad as men drivers.' That sounds a little bit prejudicial, doesn't it?:) To define the two stereotypes: Young Men usually get into accidents because they're invincible.
So they drive fast and reckless, and can't recognize when they're beyond their ability (or the Laws of Physics). Young Women usually get into accidents because something happens that panics them or is out of the ordinary.
They either don't react or just hit the brake when some other action would be better. There's enough exceptions to these to show that good women drivers are the same as good men drivers. But the stereotype is still a '7 times out of 10' thing.
Most people are just bad drivers.:). Relax, a little tormenting is good for the soul. Then what would the point of Hfx.General be?;) wmd I was going to remain silent having been disappointed the night of the HNO.
I was driving with three others in the car along Joe Howe, heading for the bridge, when the woman in the large vehicle besides me started wobbling in her lane to my right. I let slip with some colourful language and db told me it was a woman, on her cell 'phone. I asked him to hush up before Brian found out. No seriously, since Brian and I had our original dispute over women drivers, I have watched more carefully and have to admit that today, young women are just as bad as men drivers.
I say young because they are the ones I have observed merging incorrectly on to highways, talking on 'phones (though that is not exclusive to women) and just generally doing what I consider stupid things. I, of course, just like Brian, drive competently, the only difference being that I have had speeding tickets. What more can I say?
'.just as bad as men drivers.' That sounds a little bit prejudicial, doesn't it?:) Young Men usually get into accidents because they're invincible. So they drive fast and reckless, and can't recognize when they're beyond their ability (or the Laws of Physics).
Young Women usually get into accidents because something happens that panics them or is out of the ordinary. They either don't react or just hit the brake when some other action would be better. There's enough exceptions to these to show that good women drivers are the same as good men drivers. But the stereotype is still a '7 times out of 10' thing. Most people are just bad drivers.:) I can't remember who shared this observation with me.
It may have actually been my driving instructor, but I can't be sure. Say a driver is approaching an intersection with a traffic light. The light turns yellow just when the driver is on the cusp of being able to stop safely vs. Going through safely. A decision needs to be made. The observation was that men will usually make a decision and go with it, regardless of whether they proceed or stop. Women, on the other hand, will hit the brake, change their mind, hit the brake again, change their mind, and finally hit the brake and stop!
I don't know if there is any general truth to this stereotype, but I have seen examples of it in my own vehicle (but don't tell SWMBO!!). I can't remember who shared this observation with me. It may have actually been my driving instructor, but I can't be sure. Say a driver is approaching an intersection with a traffic light.
The light turns yellow just when the driver is on the cusp of being able to stop safely vs. Going through safely. A decision needs to be made. The observation was that men will usually make a decision and go with it, regardless of whether they proceed or stop. Women, on the other hand, will hit the brake, change their mind, hit the brake again, change their mind, and finally hit the brake and stop! Of course women take three steps until stopping, putting down mascara - brake, put down coffee/tea - brake, put down cell phone - brake and stop, -check mirror to be certain hair is not messed up and makeup okay. I can't remember who shared this observation with me.
It may have actually been my driving instructor, but I can't be sure. Say a driver is approaching an intersection with a traffic light. The light turns yellow just when the driver is on the cusp of being able to stop safely vs. Going through safely.
A decision needs to be made. The observation was that men will usually make a decision and go with it, regardless of whether they proceed or stop.
Women, on the other hand, will hit the brake, change their mind, hit the brake again, change their mind, and finally hit the brake and stop! Of course women take three steps until stopping, putting down mascara - brake, put down coffee/tea - brake, put down cell phone - brake and stop, -check mirror to be certain hair is not messed up and makeup okay.
I can't remember who shared this observation with me. It may have actually been my driving instructor, but I can't be sure. Say a driver is approaching an intersection with a traffic light. The light turns yellow just when the driver is on the cusp of being able to stop safely vs. Going through safely.
A decision needs to be made. The observation was that men will usually make a decision and go with it, regardless of whether they proceed or stop. Women, on the other hand, will hit the brake, change their mind, hit the brake again, change their mind, and finally hit the brake and stop! I don't know if there is any general truth to this stereotype, but I have seen examples of it in my own vehicle (but don't tell SWMBO!!). That is a very gross exaggeration. I would be prepared to believe women might more frequently brake and stop, but not change their mind twice more. C'mon, that's just too ridiculous.
Personally, if I am to the point of no return, I proceed. If that light is changing into red and I am not in the intersection, then I am braking. It will only be slightly anyway, as I will have anticipated the change coming. That is a very gross exaggeration. I would be prepared to believe women might more frequently brake and stop, but not change their mind twice more.
C'mon, that's just too ridiculous. Personally, if I am to the point of no return, I proceed.
If that light is changing into red and I am not in the intersection, then I am braking. It will only be slightly anyway, as I will have anticipated the change coming. I'm under the impression that it doesn't matter what sex you are when you drive, it's how many brain cells are actually functioning at the time. There really is no difference between female drivers and male, except for the clothing.:).
That is a very gross exaggeration. I would be prepared to believe women might more frequently brake and stop, but not change their mind twice more. C'mon, that's just too ridiculous. Personally, if I am to the point of no return, I proceed. If that light is changing into red and I am not in the intersection, then I am braking.
It will only be slightly anyway, as I will have anticipated the change coming. I'm under the impression that it doesn't matter what sex you are when you drive, it's how many brain cells are actually functioning at the time. There really is no difference between female drivers and male, except for the clothing.:) I always thought there was more, but if your mother didn't explain, it's not for me to tell you:). Relax, a little tormenting is good for the soul. Then what would the point of Hfx.General be?;) wmd I was going to remain silent having been disappointed the night of the HNO. I was driving with three others in the car along Joe Howe, heading for the bridge, when the woman in the large vehicle besides me started wobbling in her lane to my right. I let slip with some colourful language and db told me it was a woman, on her cell 'phone.
I asked him to hush up before Brian found out. No seriously, since Brian and I had our original dispute over women drivers, I have watched more carefully and have to admit that today, young women are just as bad as men drivers. I say young because they are the ones I have observed merging incorrectly on to highways, talking on 'phones (though that is not exclusive to women) and just generally doing what I consider stupid things. I, of course, just like Brian, drive competently, the only difference being that I have had speeding tickets.
What more can I say? I was going to remain silent having been disappointed the night of the HNO.
I was driving with three others in the car along Joe Howe, heading for the bridge, when the woman in the large vehicle besides me started wobbling in her lane to my right. I let slip with some colourful language and db told me it was a woman, on her cell 'phone.
I asked him to hush up before Brian found out. No seriously, since Brian and I had our original dispute over women drivers, I have watched more carefully and have to admit that today, young women are just as bad as men drivers. I say young because they are the ones I have observed merging incorrectly on to highways, talking on 'phones (though that is not exclusive to women) and just generally doing what I consider stupid things.
Drivers Test Texas
I, of course, just like Brian, drive competently, the only difference being that I have had speeding tickets. What more can I say? I've marked this down on the calendar! Raw Message Hah. If she REALLY wanted to cheat, she'd take her daughter out to the testing station in Hubley/Tantallon. I'm not sure what it would be like now, but you drove around a rural route and park in an empty parking lot.

Halifax Drivers Test Route Austin Mn Map
I wouldn't bother lecturing this woman. There's enough bad drivers out there to not make any difference if one person tries to improve themselves. Heck, I went to a defensive driver course where the instructor was teaching the WRONG information. Young Drivers even turned me down for a teaching job when I pointed out several unsafe things they taught. 'Yeah, well they work better.'
Ookay, that's why they tell you NOT to do it in the Driver's Handbook. I think they have several different routes they can use in Halifax. Just getting her to drive all over during lunch hour will be enough to condition her. It will all come down to her training, her nerves, and the instructor's mood at the time.:). David she didn't ask for your life story.Just a simple Q: Go chase a car or don't be a dick all your life with luck will be short.
I don't think that was being dickish at all. He meant no offense and I was about to post something similar but he beat me to it. If she can't pass her test without knowing the route, she is not a driver I want to meet up with on the road, however she could do just fine, but thats up to the tester. Thanks weaver2825. You're absolutely right, I'm just a mother trying to support my daughter in her road test. It was an honest question that did not merit these rude answers. You have.got.
to be kidding me. My answer.to you.
was not rude. It was clear, objective, and I explained my reasoning for what I stated. Then that wingnut George (weaver2825 the puppy miller) beaks off, and makes a statement that has absolutely.NOTHING.
to do with the question you asked. His comment wasn't even directed at you, it was directed at me, and my comments were directed at him - and if you've been watching his antics over the last day or two, he's bent out of shape because he got exposed as someone that exploits animals by running a puppy mill. And you thank.him.??? Lady, if you want to support your daughter in her road test, buy her a bunch of lessons from Young Drivers.They'll.
tell her if she's ready for a road test or not, and if she's not, no amount of practicing the route the examiner takes will save her ass a week later when she T-bones another car because she was on an unfamiliar route and got spooked. Don't ask questions if you're not prepared to hear the answer(s). David she didn't ask for your life story.Just a simple Q: Go chase a car or don't be a dick all your life with luck will be short. He's not wrong on this one. What the OP is asking is the same as any student asking for the answers to an exam. A driver SHOULD be able to handle any traffic and road condition.
If this girl can't, she shouldn't be licensed. I took driving lessons from a wonderful gentleman who early on asked me if there were any places, traffic conditions, etc. That made me nervous and which I would avoid. He them made sure I experienced all of them. I'm wondering if someone could tell me what the test route is for the road test in Halifax. My daughter is going for her road test next week and to prep her for the test, we're thinking of making her go through the route a few times before the actual test. I would appreciate hearing from you guys.
Maria Now don't take this the wrong way, but this request irks me a little bit. Your daughter should be capable of driving in.all. driving conditions, and prepping her for the driving test should be done in the most severe and diverse types of traffic possible. Take her out during rush hour, have her do parallel parking downtown during the daytime, when there'll be people to honk and get under her skin for holding up traffic.
There's no point in having her frequent the route taken by driver examiners because all that will do is have her comfortable with that particular route. What happens when she has to drive in different conditions, perhaps in an area where she's not familiar? There are enough bad drivers on the roads around here, and trying to cross the bridges during the rush hour yesterday proved that quite well. If your daughter isn't skilled enough to pass the driver's test without being forewarned about the route that will be taken, then she really shouldn't have a driver's licence. She'll be a hazard to herself, and to others. I took driving lessons from a wonderful gentleman who early on asked me if there were any places, traffic conditions, etc. That made me nervous and which I would avoid.
He them made sure I experienced all of them. Good teacher, and I bet it paid off - Rich Enfield NS Canada Usnet ads see ftp://ftp.faqs.org/faqs/usenet/advertising/how-to/part1 The day of my road test many, many years ago, the car I had wasn't fit to use for the test so my father hired a professional instructor whose car I would use for the exam plus she gave me about an hour's worth of practice right before my road test. She took me on a few of the routes the examiners would take me on. I breezed the test even though the roads were snow covered that morning. That pays for itself. I took driving lessons from a wonderful gentleman who early on asked me if there were any places, traffic conditions, etc.
Halifax Driving Test Routes
That made me nervous and which I would avoid. He them made sure I experienced all of them. Good teacher, and I bet it paid off - Rich Enfield NS Canada Usnet ads see ftp://ftp.faqs.org/faqs/usenet/advertising/how-to/part1 The day of my road test many, many years ago, the car I had wasn't fit to use for the test so my father hired a professional instructor whose car I would use for the exam plus she gave me about an hour's worth of practice right before my road test. She took me on a few of the routes the examiners would take me on. I breezed the test even though the roads were snow covered that morning. That pays for itself. I took driving lessons from a wonderful gentleman who early on asked me if there were any places, traffic conditions, etc.
That made me nervous and which I would avoid. He them made sure I experienced all of them. Good teacher, and I bet it paid off - Rich Enfield NS Canada Usnet ads see ftp://ftp.faqs.org/faqs/usenet/advertising/how-to/part1 The day of my road test many, many years ago, the car I had wasn't fit to use for the test so my father hired a professional instructor whose car I would use for the exam plus she gave me about an hour's worth of practice right before my road test. She took me on a few of the routes the examiners would take me on. I breezed the test even though the roads were snow covered that morning. That pays for itself. Now don't take this the wrong way, but this request irks me a little bit.
Your daughter should be capable of driving in.all. driving conditions, and prepping her for the driving test should be done in the most severe and diverse types of traffic possible. Take her out during rush hour, have her do parallel parking downtown during the daytime, when there'll be people to honk and get under her skin for holding up traffic. There's no point in having her frequent the route taken by driver examiners because all that will do is have her comfortable with that particular route. What happens when she has to drive in different conditions, perhaps in an area where she's not familiar? There are enough bad drivers on the roads around here, and trying to cross the bridges during the rush hour yesterday proved that quite well. If your daughter isn't skilled enough to pass the driver's test without being forewarned about the route that will be taken, then she really shouldn't have a driver's licence.
She'll be a hazard to herself, and to others. Well said, Dave. I'm wondering if someone could tell me what the test route is for the road test in Halifax. My daughter is going for her road test next week and to prep her for the test, we're thinking of making her go through the route a few times before the actual test. I would appreciate hearing from you guys. Does this mean that you're going to take her on the road a number of times, if she wants to drive to Sydney?
So that she knows where the potholes are? Get real, protect your daughter. Let her learn from her experiences on her own. Does this mean that you're going to take her on the road a number of times, if she wants to drive to Sydney? So that she knows where the potholes are? Get real, protect your daughter.
Let her learn from her experiences on her own. It's interesting. Nobody has answered the OP's question. Yet some (if not most) driving schools around the city will take their students on the known test route at least once, in addition to various other driving situations. Practice isn't a bad thing, and practicing the route is legitimate IMO. A brand new driver isn't going to be great anyway, and added to that are the nerves while taking the driving test - mucho important to most 16-year-olds.
Being familiar with the test route is fair. We all know that ANY road can have unexpected events (perhaps especially in Halifax around the West End Mall), so it's not like the new driver will have an automatic pass because she has driven on the route before. To the OP: While I don't have an answer for you (having grown up on the other side of the harbour), I would generally suggest that you take your daughter driving around the West End Mall area, including the major routes and perhaps even the rotary. She will most certainly be taken somewhere to parallel park - probably a quieter street. She may also be asked questions about driving laws - I was asked several questions, including what the maximum allowable distance from the curb is when parallel parking (I got it wrong back then, and I still don't know).
When I took my test in Dartmouth (eleven years ago), I seem to recall that I was taken out on Main Street, then through the Woodlawn neighbourhoods where I did my parallel parking, and then down to Portland Street to the Circumferential Highway and back to the RMV. The RMV was in the K-Mart mall at the time. Remember to practice backing up into a parking space - do they still use the same mega-wide parking spaces that they did eleven years ago?!:) wmd.