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Listen here you retarded autistic faggot I know that your kind loves to walk around with your cocky strides and yell 'IM AN IRONMAN LOOK AT ME' the whole fucking time and just you know, im going to rip off your head and shit down your neck your helmet is going to make a great cup to drink out of your skull will be a nice decorative item in my room and your parents and siblings will be my slaves how does that make you feel? Im toying with you right now, making you feel anxious and scared, and im coming for you you wont even know when i hit you, for you itll feel like you life just faded away in an instant miserable son of a bitch of helmlet. Hey, would anyone be interested in a sort of 'real time walkthrough' writing a bot for OSRS? I've got some free time today and I'd like to write something. It'd be written in a Pascal derivative using Simba for an IDE ( and an Old School fork of a helper library called SRL ( I would be using color solely, no reflection like most bots are.

Crack Tools For Cracking Crack Kit 2007scape

You can pick any activity you'd like, but I'd rather it be something interesting and not, e.g., picking flax. I'd go through step-by-step elaborating on any interesting problem-solving I encounter, and posting the code as I go. If I get a big enough response, I'll go ahead with it. That's an idea.

I tend to shy away from botting anything that puts me at risk of PKers, only because it's kind of an unnecessary bitch to deal with. It's also a heavily botted activity, so much so that it's become a lampshaded joke ('killing green drag bots is 2b/hr minimum!' I'll consider it, though. The kind of operation you're describing would entail several weeks, if not months, of hard work, testing, and monitoring.

I'm not averse to encouraging it, but know that writing that level of unattended system requires skills commiserate with software engineers scoring six-figure salaries. If you don't believe me, consider this rule of thumb: for any action you do, be it creating an account or clicking on a green dragon or trading with your mule, the bare minimum in redundancy is to have three distinct methods to do the same thing. Here's an example: clicking a door. With a Java bot, it's as simple as triggering a hook for the door in question.

For a color bot, it's a 200-line function which estimates the location of the door using the minimap, relative distances of nearby objects, and the player's own location. Then you need to click the door, enter the building, and once you confirm you're inside the building, interact with an NPC.

Sure, you can go simple and look for the door color and hope to find it, but true reliability costs time. How many doors, NPCs, obstacles, and other characters will you be interacting with in your goldfarming script? The reason I picked such a bot is that despite pkers, the loss from getting killed is so small unless you get skull tricked. I'm open to other types of bots. I've heard that the best bots are bots that don't gain exp. For example, a gnome restaurant bot would work but the demand for scarves makes it such that botting the restaurant is not worth the time. I believe you when you say that such a operation would require an incredible amount of work, moreso because we are using a color bot.

However, I'm halfway through my undergrad CS degree and see this as a resume booster, if it got to an acceptable state. In addition, running this script across 70+ accounts would net multiple billions of gp per month, translating to a very respectable side business. As far as door, obstacles, and NPCs: each worker would interact with dragons, clan wars portal, possibly corp portal if botting easts/graves, and the mule. Each mule would interact with multiple workers and possibly another mule. Oh, you were proposing I write the manager.

I'm open to that. I've been curious to write a command-and-control platform for a while. What features would you give it? It would have to communicate with all bots, on whichever servers they happen to be running from.

They'd need to give instruction ('do X activity for Y time'), and record data ('bot A is in location B', any issues that arose, current bank wealth and stats). Should also have some way to alert the bot admin, either for emergency input (think a lightweight webserver and an HTML5 canvas to return a click sequence should the bot get stuck) or error reporting. I wasn't the anon that suggested it but I thought it'd be real neato and something unique maybe you could have it not control the accounts directly but controls which bots are active on which accounts, so you have some kind of modular design where you could swap in & out different botting types.

However if it were to be fully automated this would be hard as you'd somehow have to be able to tell the bot script to mule at a certain point, which would kind of go against a simple modular design I don't think relying on user input for emergencies is a good idea. Though error reporting could be useful. Caring about botting nothing of value was lost What mage and range tank boots?

There are no precedents for those and not even a need for those in the game. There isn't even a need for melee tank boots either because dpsscape, but Jagex buffed the bandos boots to fit that purpose because they were absolutely worthless before. The fact the bandos boots are still at alch value just shows how little tanking matters in this game. Also with how the different combat styles work only melee has any justification for pure tank armor.

Safespotting/farcasting gargs using range or mage for gargs at all still fucking caring about torag hammers when the rest of the set already serves a purpose I'm more annoyed about the retarded cannonball buff than anything else. The boot upgrade thing is fine really. Granite gear in general is all fucked up with each piece of it and the way to obtain it having nothing to do with each other.

Wyverns for legs barbass for chest trolls for shield helm from terror dogs and barbass gamble I had to look up the fucking helm because of how obscure it is. And the actual granite boots will be from the new wyverns for some reason? Ironically dpsscape also applies to sara teaming, not just solo. Sara gwd teams don't have a 'tank' like the other bosses do, they just have people taking turns in full verac to get passed her defences or have maxed players with rigour and tbow rape her. Game beach head 2005. The only tank method for her is some meme with the staff of the dead spec and ely.

I really don't think runescape especially osrs is suited for mobile. The interfaces are too clunky, the servers can't handle the traffic, the dev team is too small as it is now, but most importantly the time investment the game needs before you see any reward is way too high for mobile kiddies. I bet mobile players will mostly be regular players when they're out for a little while or taking a shit.

Furfag name and autistic voice in video using the helm for attention and offering to go on stream refusing any sort of handouts to redditfags that spent a year of their lives on it says he took only two days to find it using ideas he found on reddit from other players half the things he's done to annoy them really aren't that bad, but redditers hating him was an obvious consequence. I don't even hate him for using the helm for attention, he's just a furfag that should be gassed. Furfag name and autistic voice in video actually irrelevant using the helm for attention and offering to go on stream literally what the fuck else are you supposed to use it for. It's cosmetic. It has no stats.

It's the solution to the longest-running puzzle of this game. If you expect the guy who finally solves it to not even tell anyone then you're fucking retarded refusing any sort of handouts to redditfags that spent a year of their lives on it he doesn't owe them anything. They PUBLICLY POSTED their educated guesses, and he is the only person smart enough to be able to piece it all together correctly. They're dumb, he's not. It would be boring to just give out the answer, then LITERALLY ANYONE CAN GET THE HELM.

How dumb is that says he took only two days to find it using ideas he found on reddit from other players PUBLIC FUCKING INFORMATION Can they solve it themselves? No, they're too stupid and he's not. They don't deserve the helm. Some random tips off the top of my head top off your health and prayer on wave 62 and drink a range potion and turn on eagle eye prayer just before you kill the last mager and before jad wave starts start jad wave off in protect from range and switch if needed because his range attack is faster healers can still heal jad if they are within two tiles of him even if you have their attention focus on one healer at a time then bring your attention right back to jad. Don't try to risk too many actions between each jad attack. This goes for potions too. If you kill the healers they will not respawn unless they got jad back to full health the healers can deal a lot of damage if you let them pile you so try to get them lined up and trapped behind each other so you can focus on one at a time be careful you don't run into jad's melee range when luring the healers.

I switched to long range temporarily just to be safe but im not 100% sure if it's necessary hopefully you can get it on your first try. I died at jad 3 times.

First time i got gangbanged by the healers because I had no idea how to handle them and the other two i choked on prayer switches. You will get it in at least 3 tries, blowpipe is easy mode.

What are you using for the rest of your gear and inv setup? Gargs could be probably be slapped together with one jmod in his free time too probably not even a real boss just some demiboss ez shit gargs come out in late august fossil island in september just after with hunter, farming, fishing, agility shit A slayer tower roof boss has been a suggestion forever predating osrs. I don't really care about these gargs they don't look like a big deal or anything. I'm more surprised they aren't a 95 slayer req with some retardedly op drop, I might not even take them off my block list.

You're the faggot who is overreacting about a fairly insignificant update. What do you even have in mind with new skilling stuff? Do you just want better methods that are faster or easier or more profitable? Or do you care about preserving the current integrity of the skills? The minnow update was actually needed and jagex addressed it fairly well. What other skill most needs an update? Oh yes because a constant drop that makes cannonballs hit 35s now makes complete sense.

Crack Tools For Cracking Crack Kit 2007scape Build

You're the faggot who is overreacting about a fairly insignificant update. No you're the faggot. There was a priority poll for a reason and they should be working on other skills now. The minnow update was actually needed and jagex addressed it fairly well literally an update to appeal to ironmemes bitching about zulrah kill urself retard there is no justification in this waste of time. The devs are clearly too much of lazy bitches (just like you minnowfag) to actually get some of the more demanding updates done.

I've been playing for a while now and I cant really understand what I should be doing. All I've mostly been doing is grinding woodcutting because its easy to make money and range because I thought it would be a fun combat style, but I don't even know where I can fight shit that's worthwhile. What are some things I should be working towards? I kind of just want to kill bosses and get loot but it doesn't seem like I can do that until I have way higher stats and membership. Are there any combat oriented quests I can do with these stats?

25 thieving unlocks hosidius house fruit stalls 100k/hr (200k+ if you dont mind scavenging someones drop-training) and best grind to 55 thieving (not fastest, just most enjoyable) you can quest all the way to 25 thieving in less than a day it does take like. Half an hour to get 5% hosidius favor to unlock saltpeter, but once saltpeter is unlocked it costs 10-20k ish to max out hosidius favor and unlock tithe farm tele using the minigame finder but yeah spinning flax is good, crafting xp before 60 is a massive pain in the ass and crafting xp after 60 is a pain in the wallet. Late game with high stats, you can make 2m+/hr pretty consistently over time at Zulrah, demonic gorillas, raids, etc for pvm.

A number of slayer tasks make you upwards of 500k an hour. Pvm in general is usually where you can make the most profit per hour, however at high levels, runecrafting and some other niche activities can still make you over 1m/hr. Doing an activity outside of PvM that isn't high level solely to make money is far more mundane and lower profit and are low or nonexistent in experience gain, but you can make easily 200-500k+ without high requirements doing various things like making Teleport tablets, running air orbs/planks, stealing fruit from fruit stalls, killing chaos druids, motherlode mine, making cannonballs, etc. Some of these activities might be better somewhat or often, but prices are higher because they still get banned at a somewhat decent rate and there is a startup cost (membership) to limit bots. F2p moneymaking is pretty much nill because people set up bot farms to suicide bot anything they possibly can and drove prospective profits into the ground and/or populate the content to the point where it's impossible to compete with all of the bots.

At minimum, prospective profits in members, even at low levels, are at least 2-5x higher. However, I'd recommend against the bond treadmill personally early game, as it tends to burn people out before they even truly get into the game and find the things they really enjoy. Buy a summer special for like under $20 for 3 months if it's still available, work on the account and have a bit of fun, then look at what kind of ways you can sustain bonds at that point.

Starting off trying to not pay a dime is setting yourself up to grind for 20-30 hours competing with bots to save up the irl equivalent of about $3 just to get started. Anyone remember when bronze arrows were the only kind of arrows remember when ranged projectiles were green and magic was blue remember when long bows were better because they had better range and shortbows were never used because they didn't give any benefit over longbows remember when port sarim jail was one of the best places to train ranged because the things there couldn't attack you and if something attacked you you had to fight it with melee and if you stood in just the right spot you could hit everything in the jail except for the black knight. Remember when they introduced fatigue but there were no sleeping bags so you had to go to walk all the way to a bed to rest. So you mined coal at the varrock mine, banked the iron and then walked to the general store and went upstairs and slept in the bed. I bet you didn't even know there was a bed up there. Remember when everything gave varying levels of fatigue and once you had too much fatigue you didn't just stop gaining experience, you actually couldn't perform actions anymore so you could only mine 4 coal at a time because every one you mined gave 25% fatigue.

I have been studying the effects that Free-to-Play has on the game in great detail over the past few years. The free version of the game is immensely successful in two ways: Cheap, recyclable content that is very accessible and provides a sufficient level of entertainment for the majority Serving as an 'introductory' version of the full game that is membership Approximately 80% of OSRS 'Virgins' These are players that have never played RuneScape before OSRS was created, or have only played EoC I have interviewed and talked to, will, after defeating Elvarg, move onto purchasing a membership or a bond. In slightly less than half of those cases, they will renew their membership, especially when given advice or tips to develop their in-game goals. It is my honest opinion that further improving upon the free experience without upsetting the balance of free vs.

Crack Tools For Cracking Crack Kit 2007scape Download

Paid gameplay will DRAMATICALLY improve the player population AND retention. Castle Wars is an AMAZINGLY beautiful example.

Crack Tools For Cracking Crack Kit 2007scape System

We can expect to see an extreme amount of new players as a result of this update, in addition to the future playerbase of mobile version of the game. Please support and suggest fair, reasonable, and fun improvements to free-to-play to improve the longevity of this great game by your actions of voting positively on polls and/or in a reply to this post!

Have a good day and don't forget your daily battlestaves and herb runs! Aright anons, 3 questions Would you be willing to vote yes to a construction update that allows for you to repair buildings in Burgh De Rott as a mini-game style construction training. The update would allow you to replace boards on houses and add roofs to them with the Tile item that still has no use. Would you be willing to vote yes to a construction update that allows you to upgrade the Lumbridge castle kitchen granting it the same effect Hosiduis range and giving a 5% chance of the Chief 'unburning' your food when burnt but for no experience.

Would you be willing to vote yes to a construction update that allows you to upgrade Doric's anvil from steel to rune with the effect of it giving a flat increase to small ammunition items produced (arrow heads, javelin heads, throwing knifes). Would not affect bronze or iron items. The way osrs determines your character's position is walking moves you one tile per tick and running is two tiles per tick, but because the game only checks your position each tick you're pretty much constantly teleporting over every other tile when running.

If you position it just right you can run through entire rooms without stopping if the traps you're running through are all on that in between tile, and they're usually lined up pretty well so that you can always do that. That same trick applies to traps on quests like underground pass.

Also get 80 thieving. He's suggesting that an extremely powerful high-level spell that makes it nearly impossible for lower level players to contribute in a meaningful way is actually very healthy for castle wars must be a lower level player 'no' There's two reasons that Ice Barrage is necessary in Castle Wars. The first is the shittiness of f2p weapons. Since rune scimitars and maple shortbows are gonna be hitting 0 a fucking lot and there's virtually no usable mage gear outside of staffs and magic amulet, it's unbelievably easy for someone with high HP and defense to just leisurely jog back to base once they've got the flag. And since f2p binds are thoroughly fucking useless, that's not gonna stop them either.

Secondly, from the few games I've played, the current meta strategy seems to be grabbing hold of your team's flag, making a death dot in the tunnels so it's hard to tell who's holding it, then stalling for the remainder of the game. It should be pretty obvious why Ice Barrage makes this unviable, but without them, it's incredibly difficult to reliably counter.

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