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Software Aplikasi Data Jemaat Gereja. Fitur-fitur Kemudahan yang terdapat dalam Software Database Jemaat Gereja GPdI. Tabel Umum, Data Keluarga, Data Statistik ( Jumlah Jemaat ) DOWNLOAD. Software database jemaat gereja adalah sebuah software database gereja yang sangat dibutuhkan pada masa kini, demi pekerjaan Tuhan terbaik. Aplikasi database gereja ini berbayar. Kami jual software database gereja asli berkualitas. Jika membutuhkan silahkan download aplikasi database jemaat gereja ini. Download software database gereja gratis. Software database gereja adalah program pendataan jemaat gereja yang sangat berguna bagi pembangunan sistem informasi data jemaat gereja. Cepat Download Gratis Software Database Gereja.

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Live Presentations. Present any song, specifying the order of slides, such as verse 1, then chorus, then verse 2, then the chorus again, etc. Present any passage of the Bible verse by verse.

Present a timed loop of slides, for use in situations such as automatically displaying announcements, verses, Q&As, etc. Present any combination of songs, scriptures, or loops back-to-back using sets. Fully customize font styles and sizes as well as shadowing and outlining for easy reading against colorful backgrounds. Change the background color or background image to any image file.

Preview Text 0471020References.pdf Abstract Holy Word Christian Church Pasundan, Bandung is the center of Holy Word Christian Church in Bandung and of the branch from the Holy Word Christian Church in Indonesia. Holy Word Christian Church Bandung handles community data manually, which is using paper system, until this finished.

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The people record the data using the Entrance Form per year. This kind of input has a weakness, that is data handling per week. Holy Word Christian Church gets the data of its people by absenteeism. It is not effective because there must be one person who missed the absent. The update of the data that occurs once in a year, makes some people who come in such a week can not informed the church. Each department database is not integrated in one database, which effect time and place inefficiency. In this opportunity, the writer has made a website to make the access of information becomes easier and recording about presence, event, choir, et cetera.

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In this development of the website, the writer using C# programming language and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition database. Item Type: Thesis (Other) Uncontrolled Keywords: Keyword: Holy Word Christian Church, website, programming language, database Subjects: Depositing User: Date Deposited: 09 Apr 2012 05:06 Last Modified: 09 Apr 2012 05:06 URI: Actions (login required) View Item.