Ventura Guitar Serial Numbers

Japanese Guitar Quality & Various Factories Since this page is devoted to Ventura branded guitars, which were mostly made in the 1970's, the comments below apply to that era, but may also apply to earlier or later Japanese guitars. The plain truth is that; most Japanese guitar manufacturers were 'contract houses' that made guitars. Ventura V-10 acoustic, anyone know when it was made? Discussion in '. The tag inside has a serial number on it. This one doesn't, nor does it have the Ventura logo on the headstock. The guitar sat in a fiberboard case in less than ideal conditions for years, and I unearthed it about 6 years ago, cleaned it up and it plays fine for the most.
Hi, first post. I have this presumably '70s Ventura guitar that belonged to my wife's deceased mother, which I acquired out of a shed on the property in a standard fiberboard case and left in the elements for years.
Ventura Guitar Serial Number Lookup How Old
I got this in my possession about 5 or 6 years ago and cleaned it up, adjusted things, etc and surprisingly it plays fairly well until you get too high up on the neck. The ones I've googled have always had the Ventura name across the headstock, and also there were serial numbers above the model number on the tag inside. This one has neither. I know she got the guitar sometime in the mid 70s but no one knows for sure when, and I'd sure like to get an approximate build date if it's at all possible. It's honestly a great kickaround guitar and I enjoy playing with it more than my Martin DM. Btw, it's strung lefty for obvious reasons.
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Ventura Guitar Serial Numbers 20090328
€37.50 EUR Everywhere Else €82.50 EUR We offer three local pickup locations, in Leominster, MA; Southbridge, MA; and East Hartford, CT. On receiving cleared payment we will ship via UPS Ground anywhere in the continental United States for flat rate listed.
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