Nasa World Wind Virtual Earth Plugin


Virtual Earth provides the power behind, an online mapping service that enables users to search, discover, explore, plan, and share information about specific locations. By using traditional road maps, labeled aerial photo views, low-angle high-resolution aerial photos, and proximity searching capabilities, Virtual Earth provides unique opportunities for developers to incorporate both location and local search features into their Web applications. The Virtual Earth map control software development kit (SDK) consists of a complete set of reference topics that cover the Virtual Earth map control application programming interface (API).

27 การประยุกต ใช โปรแกรม NASA World Wind กับงานชลประทาน โปรแกรมเสริม (Plug-in) 1. โปรแกรมเสริม Virtual Earth Virtual Earth ยอมให ผู ใช งานโปรแกรม NASA World Wind สามารถที่จะแสดงภาพถ ายดาวเท. NASA World Wind plugin. This plug-in adds multitouch support to NASA World Wind. A basic set of gestures is implemented in this plug-in. By using a pinching gesture, the user can rapidly zoom in, zoom out or rotate the camera view. The plug-in relies on Touchlib and a Component Object Model (COM) based C# wrapper.

Virtual Earth also provides an Interactive SDK available. The Interactive SDK offers hands-on, task-based demonstrations of features available in the version 5.0 API release, complete with code samples and links back to the reference SDK.

Writes 'As many of you probably already know NASA had to shift it's priorities to the upcoming Java version of World Wind, leaving 1.4 effectively orphaned, but the Open Source community came together and with a lot of hard work we were able to. Some of the new things which differentiate the from the competition are the amazing new visual effects, including HDR, check out the video for some examples. Remember this virtual globe has never had the same goals as Google Earth, if you just want to see your house stick with GE, although many areas have high resolution as good and sometimes better than GE.

World Wind is aimed at education and science, all the default imagery is copyright free, you don't need to purchase a license to redistribute the imagery and there are no pro or expert versions to buy, you can happily use World Wind at work or school without fear of any lawyers confiscating your research.' The data I had for was 1-pixel-per-kilometre. This new data is twice that resolution, and if I combine this new data with the soon-to-be-open-source, I think it'd be really cool. Geolocate yourself or anyone else by their IP, then zoom around that location in 3d:-) Sounds like a fun thing to put together - maybe this weekend for the 2D stuff, and as soon as the 3D engine is open-source, I'll include that:-) As always with this sort of thing, it's getting hold of the data that's the hard part - kudos to those giving it away free to research, education, and me:-) Simon. Good point - but what about things like office environments where flash is disabled by default, people like me that just don't like annoying flash animations appearing and locking up slow machines so have it turned off and people like amd64 linux users who have to do a fair bit of mucking about to get flash to work?

Java works well, is (was?) far better optimised than flash, has less security problems and is cross platform. I'm not convinced rewriting the same thing in flash would be an improvement - a re. Well, it is, I suppose - for Flash. No, really, it's not something I'd complain about, except that these demos really are pretty simple, and I shouldn't be getting any lag at all.

Quake 4 performs about as well on this system, on High settings, so you can see why that's annoying. I could show you another benchmark, too, that I'm curious to see someone replicate on a non-Linux version of Flash. YouTube Flash uses some 50% of my 1.8 ghz CPU running a video fullscreen. Save that video with the Firefox VideoDown. There's a lot of three-dimensional content to be generated before that can happen. If I knew a bunch of brilliant graphics-analysis programmers, I'd want to put together a startup to do mapping for video games and other driving simulations. You need to capture rough geometry and texture map data for everything you drive.

The system needs to recognize signs (probably best done with a combination of lidar and radar) and make textures for them, too. Finally, it's got to know where the vehicle is (DGPS?).

I dont think it needs to be even that complicated. I'd want the layouts of the roads accurate for such a thing, but the rest is rather subjective.

Sure, know where the houses are, and roughly how big, but they dont need to be identical. Using data from nice satalite images would be enough. You'd want it to dynamically generate property, people, parked cars, etc. Being close, or even identical, would be great, but its no requirement. You'd need to run the images through a computer and geographic inform.

Sure, know where the houses are, and roughly how big, but they dont need to be identical. Using data from nice satalite images would be enough. You'd want it to dynamically generate property, people, parked cars, etc. Being close, or even identical, would be great, but its no requirement. On the routes I'm talking about, most things are wholly or partially covered by trees.

Most of the other roads I'd like to drive are very poorly imaged. The most important things are the roadway, more or less accurate tree. You must mean something like multithreaded graphics.contexts. OpenGL has long supported many contexts drawing to the same surface, each from a different thread. A context cannot be shared between threads, though. Still not sure what a multithreaded 'context' means, though.

Adding a lock around every graphics call is NOT 'multithreading' (actually Microsoft is somewhat better than Unix in this respect, take a look at the horrible way libc added a lock around every single stdio call and thus killed it's. Jesus fuck, PC stands for personal computer, not Windows (hint: Apple commercials lie) Yes, it's possible Jesus fucked. Maybe he was gay and fucked his disciples, maybe he fucked Maria Magdalena, who knows. Apart from that, while it's true that PC is short for personal computer, that doesn't mean that e.g. An office computer owned by the company can't be called a PC. According to, IBM applied for a trademark for the term 'Personal Computer' in 1981 (three years after Apple had use.

As somebody already said, there is a which uses the same NASA imagery as WW. Also very interesting imho is that the developer of, the once open-sourced client for GE, switched his code to use the NASA data after Gaia uses the library and therefore should compile on any system sdl supports (from 'SDL supports Linux, Windows, Windows CE, BeOS, MacOS, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, BSD/OS, Solaris, IRIX, and QNX. The code contains support for. Slight OT tangent. This reminds me of one of my college professors, who for some reason thought Microsoft could do no wrong. Every day he would come into class and say stuff like, 'I was looking at the first public beta of.NET 3.0 that Microsoft recently released, and I've gotta say, it's pretty slick.'

Funny thing, though, he would never expand on what the 'slick' part was. When pressed, he always answered with something about 'metadata improvements' and 'XML', as well as stipulating 'you could go look. I noticed that the kinds of infographic abilities shown here: are now free, as the plugin that provides them is now CC licensed. (more info here: THAT is pretty cool, actually. As someone often called on to do design tasks that straddle the line between infographic and visualization, I think I need to give WW another look. I never really considered it once Google Earth came out, because Google Earth was easier for whatever globehopping question I had.

But being able to quickly do this kind of visualization ('uh, hey - we need a picture of the population density of South Dakota, matching our company's color scheme, by tomorrow') should make my life a little easier. World Wind Java (1.5) will come out for public beta before the JavaOne conference in May. Closed alpha testing and bug fixing will be starting in the next few weeks. The windows version (.net 2.0) is primarily being supported by the open source community since the funding and direction for the NASA World Wind team is towards the Java version. The community does welcome anyone that wants to come in and help at working the code, DX developers would help a lot to get some of the features hammered out more smoothly. Remember this virtual globe has never had the same goals as Google Earth That's obvious - because GE's goals include things like stability and performance - two things WorldWind noticeably lacks.

(Not to mention the horror that is WorldWind's UI.) I just tried V1.4 - and it has the same braindead UI problems that previous versions have suffered. When you grab a point on the globe - you start the globe spinning, rather than as in GE grabbing a 'handle' to position the map. (And as the rotation speed speed of the globe varies with lag - it's frustrating to position precisely.) When you zoom in - WW loads each and every layer of zoom between the one you start with and where you end up. (This slows rendering (which is glacial to start with) and makes it difficult to reach a precise zoom point and take a goodly amount of time if you change zoom by any significant amount.) Etc. This isn't something for the F/OSS community to be proud of. It was a piece of crap when they took it over - and it's still a piece of crap.

When you grab a point on the globe - you start the globe spinning, rather than as in GE grabbing a 'handle' to position the map. Clicking on a point will move to that location, but dragging works just like it does in GE. Incidentally, you can turn off the clicking behavior and the planet inertia/momentum in the View menu. When you zoom in - WW loads each and every layer of zoom between the one you start with and where you end up. Which is also exactly what GE does.

Google can just afford faster serve. To put it simply - bullshit.

When I click and drag in GE, it stops when I release the mouse. When I click and drag in WW it continues to drift. GE does keep spinning, it just has its inertia set much lighter than WW does. And you can change that in the options if you don't like it. GE does not render each and every layer - let alone load them. GE doesn't use the same level/row/column scheme as WW does, but I don't notice much difference in tile loading time between WW and GE. It seems to use.

To put it simply - bullshit. When I click and drag in GE, it stops when I release the mouse. When I click and drag in WW it continues to drift. Turn the feature OFF then. Sheesh, quit bitching and LOOK at the configuration options. GE does not render each and every layer - let alone load them.

Watching GE load on a modem, I would have to disagree. It takes forever to load tiles. (Zoom down to 100 meters and it is a 15 minute wait to see the spot.) With World Wind I would have to. The previous poster mentioned this as well, but I'll note it clearly: You can change the default behavior of setting the earth moving by turning off Motion Momentum and/or Planet Inertia in the View menu. You can also try turning of Point Go-To to see if that's more to your liking. In World Wind, like a lot of F/OSS apps, you have options. Take the blinders off, and realize that there are other ways of doing things, and some ways might even be, dare I say it, better.

But, if you really like the GE contro. The previous poster mentioned this as well, but I'll note it clearly: You can change the default behavior of setting the earth moving by turning off Motion Momentum and/or Planet Inertia in the View menu. You can also try turning of Point Go-To to see if that's more to your liking. In World Wind, like a lot of F/OSS apps, you have options. Take the blinders off, and realize that there are other ways of doing things, and some ways might even be, dare I say it, better.

When a program, out of the box, behaves i. When a program, out of the box, behaves in a different (and unexpected) way from virtually every other map program out there - it's broken.

It doesn't matter that you can change it. I don't object to options - I object to ill designed UI's. Now that is a ridiculous argument. Because out of the box, the iPhone behaves in a different (and unexpected) way from virtually every other cell phone out there - it's broken. Because out of the box, the electric light behaves in a different (and unexpected) way from virtually every other light source out there - it's broken. Because out of the box, the iPod behaved in a different (and unexpected) way from virtually every other mp3 player out there at the time - it's broken.

Because out of the box, the GU. Your post reminds me of a an argument by a British chap that LHD cars are illogical and that there would be less fatalities on the road if every nation of the world would start driving on the left. He used the Japan example to prove his point. I am perfectly comfortable driving with the gear stick on the left or the right and I don't get mixed up between break and gas pedal since. They are exactly in the same order.

Nasa World Wind Virtual Earth PluginVirtual

Nasa World Wind Virtual Earth Plugin Download

Virtual earth download

Nasa World Wind Wikipedia

However I do confess that upon switching from RHD to LHD I have my left hand trying t. I'm a NWW enthusiast, even if I never really used it on a regular basis. (I'm waiting for the Java version. I hope I won't be deceived). NASA World Wind sadly never had the media coverage GE had. This is kind of sad. People seems to forget, or ignore, that you can't use Google Earth in a work environment.

Well, more precisely,, not even the Plus version (20$US), you need the Pro (400$US) or the Enterprise version. Why am I underlining this? Because I believe this should have helped NASA World Wind to capture mind share. Should, because not a lot of people care about that fact and Google will not enforce this, since they benefit from the number of people using it, a little like Microsoft did not care about Windows being copied some centuries ago. Oh, this change in the license came with version 4 of the GE beta, launched last summer. Here's the interesting, on the WW Central website.

Nasa World Wind Virtual Earth Plugin 2017

Since it will work as an applet, the Java version is probably the best response to MS embedding their 3d map server in an IE browser using ActiveX (or whatever it's called now). This will enable next gen web pages to have really nice controls, and it will all be open source/free data.

That's very exciting. I think the Java naysayers have out of date opinions, JVMs of the past few years are not much trouble to set up and have very good performance. They may use more memory, but if you have a gig in your syste. In 2002 or so I wrote a aolserver extension that pulled DEM data from a database and hardware rendered with opengl with a texture, coverterted the output to png and returned it to the browser as an image. At the time (with what would be very low-end hardware now) it actually performed pretty well and could serve up 100 fps or so from a Nvidia Geforce II card. Scandisk chk file recovery.

Aolserver is multithreaded and the tricky part was getting the hardware rendering queueing code stable. I did a simple html interface for navigation and the response time from the server at 10ms to generate the image was enough that it felt like a static image off a filesystem. This worked really well when there were large amounts of source data in the image and returning the output images was a lot quicker than returning all the source data and rendering on the client.

I would think that with today's video hardware it would be possible to have a client that lets the user trace a path across the earth, have the server render all of the sequencial images and create a mpeg-4 video and return it to the client real time. I have all of the C/OpenGL/TCL source from what I did before in a dusty box of CD's marked 'Things I got bored with once I got them to work' if anyone is interested in it. Frameworks are not evil. Java is not a framework; it's a virtual machine, a language, and a security model.

There is no 'runtime versioning mess', only poorly-written or packaged applications (though, Java does make it rather easy to write a poorly-packaged application). It's quite possible to write an application that works across the 'wide variation in java runtimes', if you know what you're doing. Moving WW to Java is a very good idea, provided the WW devs know what they're doing. Given past experiences.