Best Jazz Midi Files
Hey all, I'm a one-man-band sax guy and am always looking for new songs to add to my songbook. I've found a number of good sites, but I'm hoping some of you have others I've missed. In case you're interested, I import the midi into Sonar, use the virtual synth Edirol for the output so it sounds almost real, and then export to an mp3 without the lead or solo parts. I'm sequencing a lot of my own, but it takes so long to do it right. I have all the songs from the Real Book 1, but I'm looking for more modern stuff, even the so called 'smooth jazz'. People like it, I don't mind playing it, and tips go up. Thanks for any help!
MusicMan P.S. Here's some of my favorite sites for great midi traks. Hey all, I'm a one-man-band sax guy and am always looking for new songs to add to my songbook. I've found a number of good sites, but I'm hoping some of you have others I've missed.
In case you're interested, I import the midi into Sonar, use the virtual synth Edirol for the output so it sounds almost real, and then export to an mp3 without the lead or solo parts. I'm sequencing a lot of my own, but it takes so long to do it right. I have all the songs from the Real Book 1, but I'm looking for more modern stuff, even the so called 'smooth jazz'. People like it, I don't mind playing it, and tips go up.
Thanks for any help! MusicMan P.S. Here's some of my favorite sites for great midi traks.

Midi Jazz Piano Files
The best of Blues, Jazz and other MIDI files. More than 500 quality midi files. By irirppp; Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:33 pm looking for high-quality midi files in jazz style. I'm looking for some high-quality midi files,jazz style. Would somebody know where i can find them or buy them? I need them for improving my skill. Thanks for your help!! KVRian: 587 posts since 20 Jun, 2005, from.