Idea Net Setter Unlocker Software
Idea Net Setter Huawei E1732 comes with customized dashboard and firmware. Hence, you can not unlock it through normal procedure. To unlock Idea Net Setter Huawei E1732 you need to follow a long unlocking procedure. In unlocking procedure firmware update and CDMA workshop cracked version is involved.
If you are searching for how to unlock huawei e1732 data card of idea net setter then you are at correct place. Thousands of users are using huawei e1732 idea net setter for accessing internet and almost all of them have tried to unlock the net setter so that they can use any SIM card in it to get internet connectivity. Yesterday i have unlocked 2 modems of e1732 Idea Net Setter and i can say that the solution which i will be sharing is 100% tested by me and working perfectly.
Note: Huawei e1732 Idea Net Setter is using idea net setter e173du-1 hardware (see following screen shot) If you have any doubt or facing any problem at any moment, put your comment after this post. So without wasting time refer below step by step guide with screen shots for you, which will help you to unlock your e1732 modem. Prerequisites (Things which will be required as a raw material): 1. An internet connection (in case net setter data card require device drive then it can download them from internet directly). Disable Antivirus if you have any (I am using Eset Nod32 which i have disabled during unlock procedure) 3. You must have to download two files, 1) Download CDMA Workshop Full version and 2) Huawei e1732 downgrade firmware.
(7zip will be needed to unzip the cdma workshop files) 4. Make sure that your modem is detected in your PC and you should know the PORT number on which your modem is connected.
Insert any SIM in modem Excepting idea (don’t insert idea SIM). Steps To Unlock Huawei E1732 Idea Net Setter.
Requirements: 1) Sola GSM Calculator ## Note down the IMEI number of your Huawei device. Now here is the unlocking method for Huawei E-1732 modem 1) Download and install Sola GSM Calculator. 2) Insert your Huawei E-1732 and let the drivers to be installed. 3) Then run your Sola GSM Calculator after all the drivers get installed. 4) Select Huawei Unlocker Tab & enter your IMEI number & Get the unlock code for the device.
Idea Net Setter Unlocker Software
5) Now select the RELOCK option and click the Do Job button. 6) Now select RESET LCK option and click the Do Job button. 7) Now your modem is unlocked so enjoy it with other networks and your favourite plans.