Dod Flip Ifr Supplement Pdf

Dod Flip Ifr Supplement Pdf

Dod Flip Ifr Supplement Pdf File

This link is on the Wiki - but not for too much longer, unfortunately. As of the 1st of October, downloads from this site will be gone - migrated to the Intranet. I'm pretty sure hard copy will still be available - no doubt for a hefty price. Get it while you can. Expect to hear more about this as the date approaches. 73s Mike Whoa wait a minute. We'll still be able to order the FLIPs, Planning Documents and En route supplements and the various charts and Flight Information pubs in hard copy like we use to?

  • AFI11-2F-16V3SHAWAFBSUPI 10 OCTOBER 2012 3 (SHAWAFB) The majority of changes are deletions of repeat information contained in other documents, including Shaw Air Force Base Instruction (SHAWAFBI) 11-250, Airfield Operations and Base Flying Procedures and the 20th Fighter Wing (20 FW) Pilot Aid. Additional guidance regarding low-level mission planning and IFR MOA usage added.
  • Bottom line: Download them now before they disappear forever. And no, the FAA ATA-100 information base is not as accurate, updated and complete in coverage as the US IFR supplement. There is a lot of information that has changed, especially the ARTCC frequencies. The IFR supplement also suffers from the same problem.
Dod Flip Ifr Supplement Pdf

Dod Ifr Supplement Pdf

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