Adobe Camera Raw 4.3 1 Download
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Adobe Camera Raw 9.12 Download
Adobe Camera Raw, free download. Photoshop plugin software for Windows: Provides support for RAW image formats produced by cameras. Includes tests and PC download for Windows 32 and 64-bit systems completely free-of-charge. Nov 9, 2012 - Adobe released the new Lightroom 4.3 and Camera Raw 7.3 release candidates through Adobe Labs, today, giving support for the Retina MacBook Pro displays as well as full support for the Nikon D600 and more!

Each time I run the update checker it downloads Camera Raw 4.3.1 plug in but each time I try to instal the update I get a message 'Photoshop Elements File Agent.exe needs closing'. I am not aware that any Photoshop programme is open when this message appears. It seems that I have the latest plugin (13.11.07) installed in Elements.