Microsoft Yahei Font License

  1. Microsoft Yahei Font Mac
Microsoft yahei font download

The font glyphs are certified compliant with China standard GB with the font name Founder Lan Ting Hei. Microsoft Licensed the font glyph from Beijing Founder Electronics Co. Full font name: Microsoft YaHei. Version: Version 5.00. Postscript font name: MicrosoftYaHei. License: NOTIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT You may use this font to display and print content as permitted by the license terms for the product in which this font is included. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the. Microsoft YaHei Bold Font Details. Please see the details of the Microsoft YaHei Bold font below. The details includes the note of the author, license type and the representation of the font in A-Z, a-z, 0-9 characters.

Kevin Suo 2014-08-27 13:04:45 UTC Created test odt file Problem Description: In Writer, for the same font size, CJK fonts is showing much bigger/wider line height. Steps to reproduce: 1. Apply 'Libration Sans', 'Libration Serif', 'Times New Roman', or 'Arial' to some text, set font size to 16.

Apply 'Microsoft Yahei' to some other text, set font size also to 16. Current behaviour: Line height in step 2 is much wider than in step 1. This affects many other CJK fonts.

This makes CJK document looks ugly. Actually if you export the document to html and open in Firefox, it shows correct line height.


Expected: Same line height when same font applied. See attached test file for illustration. Kevin Suo 2014-09-17 14:51:50 UTC (In reply to ) Kevin, is this extra height related to needing to cater for ruby text? I didn't think they are related, but the interesting thing happened: I typed some text, applied 'Microsoft Yahei' font so the bug behaviour appeared, and then I tried to apply rubby text to the chars so more extra spaces were added above the text. Then I deleted all the text. And then when I try to input text and apply 'Microsoft Yahei', 'Wenquanyi Zenhei' etc, the bug behaviour is gone!

I reset the libreoffice user profile, but now I can no longer reproduce the problem with 'Microsoft Yahei', 'Wenquanyi Zenhei' fonts. But I still reproduce with 'Source Han Sans CN' fonts.

Owen Genat (retired) 2014-09-21 14:25:13 UTC I am not sure that this report describes a problem LO can solve, for the reasons indicated in. Comparing text as displayed in Writer vs Firefox is probably not an equal comparison.

Copyright information: Please note that all contributions to The Document Foundation Bugzilla are considered to be released under the, unless otherwise specified. Source code form contributions such as patches are considered to be modifications under the. 'LibreOffice' and 'The Document Foundation' are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries. Their respective logos and icons are also subject to international copyright laws.

Microsoft Yahei Font Mac

Use thereof is explained in our.

After typing / pasting font name it needs one clear 'Enter' press. It wont work just by clicking outside. And font is everywhere on list, where it is aplicable in settings. Works adding to Additional CSS or Additional HTML. Maybe better to add it to CSS to be able to call IE specific font file and some other things for compatibility. (iPhone, Android) I see now.

After typing / pasting font name it needs one clear 'Enter' press. It wont work just by clicking outside. And font is everywhere on list, where it is aplicable in settings. Works adding to Additional CSS or Additional HTML. Maybe better to add it to CSS to be able to call IE specific font file and some other things for compatibility. (iPhone, Android).