Edgar Cayce Complete Readings Pdf Download


The readings used the term 'entity' to denote the complete individual, including the physical body, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, the astral body, the soul, and the superconscious mind. Capitals were used in the records for emphasis, where Edgar Cayce had spoken a little louder to emphasize something. In 1971 Edgar Cayce's sons Edgar Evans Cayce and Hugh Lynn Cayce published a book titled The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce's Power, claiming Cayce's readings had an approximate 85% success rate. The majority of the book investigated cases where Cayce's readings were demonstrably incorrect. Wesley Harrington Ketchum.

It’s safe to say that a generation of science enthusiasts were inspired by and knowledgeable about the wonders of life on earth (and beyond) by the man best known as Bill Nye “the Science Guy”. In recent years, William Nye’s concern about our changing planet has garnered him new monikers, like Bill Nye “the Climate Guy”, and as Executive Director of, Bill Nye “the Planetary Guy”. This week on Skepticality, Derek & Swoopy talk with “that guy”, William Nye (who recently was a featured guest at The James Randi Educational Foundation’s 2011 Amazing Meeting 9), about the challenges facing a new generation of science educators on television and in the classroom. They also discuss his new project that promotes literacy in algebra entitled “Solving for X.”. About this week’s feature article In this week’s eSkeptic (the first part in a two-part series), we present an article from Skeptic magazine’ in which Michael Shermer investigates an extraordinary claim regarding proof of ESP made by the Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.).

In their study, two classic (but extremely common) blunders were committed: (1) misinterpreting statistical results, and (2) ignoring a basic tenet of scientific testing— repeatability. Tune in next week for the response from the A.R.E. And Michael Shermer’s reply.

Deviations A Skeptical Investigation of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment by Michael Shermer One of the most overused one-liners in the statistical business is Disraeli’s classification of lies into the three taxa of “lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Unfortunately it is sometimes true, as the recent presidential election will attest. George Bush and Bill Clinton tossed out mind-numbing numbers about the opposition’s failures and their own successes, while Ross Perot waved his voodoo stick over dozens of charts, graphs, and curves. But if statistics are nothing but lies, then what good are they as a scientific tool? The answer is that the tool itself is not deceitful. The presentation of some statistics and not others to slant one’s position—a lie of omission not commission—is a common abuse, but this in itself does not negate the process. The problem really lies in the general misunderstanding of statistics that is part of the larger “innumeracy”— or mathematical illiteracy—of the population. I saw a classic example of this in an investigation by the Skeptics Society of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), located in Virginia Beach, Virginia (Box 595, 23451).

The investigation—a brief visit, a simple experiment, and an explanation that was not well received— came about when Skeptic advisory board member Dr. Clay Drees, a professor of history at nearby Wesleyan College, and I decided to pay them a visit while I was in town on other business. We were fortunate to arrive on a relatively busy day during which they were conducting an “ESP Experiment.” Since they were claiming that one’s ESP could be tested experimentally and that the phenomenon could be proved scientifically, it was fair game for skeptics.” According to their own literature, A.R.E. Was “founded in 1931 to preserve, research, and make available the readings of Edgar Cayce.” Like many such organizations, A.R.E. Skeptic editorial advisor Dr.

Clay Drees and publisher Dr. Michael Shermer none the worse after a skeptical investigation of A.R.E. To reinforce their beliefs in more traditional settings, A.R.E. Has its own press—the A.R.E.

The most scientific piece of research equipment at A.R.E. Was the ESP testing apparatus, complete with Zener cards, and lights and buttons for both sender and receiver. Who was Edgar Cayce?

Born in 1877 on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, Cayce, according to the A.R.E. Literature, as a youth “displayed powers of perception which extended beyond the five senses. Eventually, he would become the most documented psychic of all times.” (One wonders if Mr. Geller would dispute the claim.) Purportedly when he was 21, Cayce’s doctors were unable to find a cause or cure for a “gradual paralysis which threatened the loss of his voice.” Cayce responded by going into a “hypnotic sleep” and recommended a cure for himself, which he claims worked. The discovery of his ability to diagnose illnesses and recommend solutions in an altered state led him to do this on a regular basis for others with medical problems. This, in turn, expanded into general psychic readings on thousands of different topics in every conceivable aspect of the universe, world, and man.

It is these trance-like readings that constitute the bulk of the Cayce collection, which have been and continue to be catalogued, sorted, and indexed at A.R.E. ” Numerous books have been written on Edgar Cayce, most of them by uncritical followers, such as by Jess Stearn (1967) and by Gina Cerminara, endorsed by Jeane Dixon (1967). Skeptical evaluations of Cayce have been provided by leading skeptics Martin Gardner and James Randi.

Gardner (1957) demonstrates that from his youth Cayce was a fantasy-prone individual (see also Baker and Nickell’s 1992 analysis of his personality). He talked with angels and received visions of his dead grandfather, and, as he grew older, he got into the habit of reading the entire Bible at least once a year. An uneducated man beyond the ninth grade, Cayce acquired his broad scope of knowledge through voracious reading, and was from this able to weave elaborate tales and give detailed diagnoses in his trances. His early “readings” were done in the presence of an osteopath, from whom he borrowed much of his terminology.

“The condition in the body is quite different from what we have had beforefrom the head, pains along through the body from the second, fifth and sixth dorsals, and from the first and second lumbartie-ups here, and floating lesions, or lateral lesions, in the muscular and nerve fibers,” reads a diagnosis of his wife who had tuberculosis. As Gardner explains, “This is talk which makes sense to an osteopath, and to almost no one else” (p. 217).” In Cayce, James Randi (1982) sees all the old familiar tricks of the psychic trade: “Cayce was fond of expressions like ‘I feel that’ and ‘perhaps’—qualifying words used to avoid positive declarations” (p.189). Cayce’s remedies read like a list from a medieval herbalist: For a leg sore take oil of smoke; for a baby with convulsions, a peach-tree poultice; for dropsy, bedbug juice; for arthritis, peanut oil massage; and for his wife’s tuberculosis, ash from the wood of a bamboo tree. The important question, of course, is did they work? Randi has done a fairly extensive analysis of Cayce’s “cures” and concludes that “the matter is hard to prove, either way.” Testimony of a few patients does not represent a controlled experiment, while “dead patients cannot complain, and those who were not cured would benefit little by writing a letter of complaint.” Some of his more obvious failures include several readings on patients who had died between the time the letter to Cayce was written and when he made the reading. In one instance, he did a reading on a small girl who had died on a Sunday, but he did the reading on the subsequent Monday, suggesting a complex nutritional program to cure the disease, followed by the admonition: “And this depends upon whether one of the things as intended to be done today is done or isn’t done, see?

Edgar Cayce Complete Readings Pdf Download

Randi examines case after case and concludes that “the matter of Edgar Cayce boils down to a vague mass of garbled data, interpreted by true believers who have a very heavy stake in the acceptance of the claims” (pp. PROBABILITY predicts these test results for a test of 25 questions with five possible answers if chance is operating: Most people (79%) will get between 3 and 7 correct (probability is a more precise calculation). The probability of guessing 8 or more correctly is 10.9% (in a group of 25, you can always expect several scores in this range purely by chance.) The chances of getting 15 correct is about 1 in 90,000.

Guessing 20 out of 25 has a probability of about 1 in 5 billion. Guessing all 25 correct has a chance of (.2) = 3.3 x 10, or about 1 in 300 quadrillion! (A wager against such an unusual occurrence would be a safe bet.). It was, then, with considerable anticipation that we entered the halls of Edgar Cayce’s legacy through the entrance that bore the following inscription above the door: “THAT WE MAY MAKE MANIFEST THE LOVE OF GOD AND MAN.” The people who greeted us were very warm and friendly, though a tour of the facilities offered no enlightenment on their research. There were no laboratory rooms and virtually no scientific equipment, save an ESP machine proudly on display against a wall in the entrance hall. A large sign next to the machine announced that there would be an ESP experiment coming up in an adjacent room.

We saw our opportunity to put some of their claims to the test.” The ESP machine featured the standard Zener cards (created by K. Zener) with a button to push for each of the five symbols—a plus sign, square, star, circle, and wavy lines. It was wheeled into the room where one of the directors of A.R.E. First gave a lecture on ESP, Edgar Cayce, and the development of psychic powers. He explained that some people are born with a psychic gift while others need practice.

But, he insisted, we all have the power to some degree. Experience is the key. He then asked for volunteers to be sender or receiver. I raised my hand and elected to receive.

I was given no instruction on how to receive psychic messages, so I asked. The instructor explained that I should concentrate on the sender’s forehead. The rest of the people in the room, 34 of them, were told to do the same thing. We were all given an ESP Testing Score Sheet (my own presented below), with one column for our “guesses” (I cannot honestly call it anything else) and one column for the correct answers, given after the experiment. We ran two experiments of 25 trials each. The ESP Testing Score Sheet: The Skeptic’s Score Sheet proves that skepticism blocks psychic power (click image to enlarge).

Instead of being proof of ESP, as these folks were claiming, these test results suggested that nothing other than chance was operating. Statistics do not lie. The deviation from the mean that this experiment revealed was nothing more than what we would expect under these conditions with these parameters. If the audience were expanded into the millions through a medium like television there would be an even bigger chance for misinterpretation of the high end scores. In this scenario a tiny fraction would fall at 3 standard deviations above the mean, or get 11 hits, a still smaller percentage would reach 4 standard deviations, or 13 hits, and so on, all by chance and the randomness of such large numbers. For psychics, the psychology of statistics is that you take the most deviant subject (in this statistical sense) and tout him as the proof of the power.

For skeptics, the science of statistics tells us that by chance, and given a large enough group, there should be someone who will score fairly high. There may be lies and damned lies, but statistics can reveal the truth when murky pseudoscience is being espoused to an unsuspecting group. One woman followed me out of the room and said (I am not making this up): “You’re one of those skeptics, aren’t you?” “I am indeed,” I responded. “Well then,” she retorted, “how do you explain coincidences like when I go to the phone to call my friend and she calls me? Isn’t that an example of psychic communication?” “No it is not. It is an example of statistical coincidences.

Let me ask you this. How many times did you go to the phone to call your friend and she did not call? Or how many times did your friend call you but you did not call her first? Or, or, oras Aristotle said, ‘the sum of the coincidences equals certainty’.” She said she would have to think about it and get back to me. Later in the tour she found me and said she had figured it out: “I only remember the times that these events happen, and forget all those others you suggested.” “Bingo!” I exclaimed, thinking I had a convert on my hands. It is just selective perception.” But I was too optimistic.

“No, this just proves that psychic power works sometimes but not others.” I am afraid I cannot improve upon Randi’s quip about belief in the paranormal being like an “unsinkable rubber duck”. Bibliography. Baker, R.A. Buffalo: Prometheus. Cerminara, G. New York: Signet. Gardner, M.

Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science. New York: Dover. Buffalo: Prometheus Books. New York: Bantam. Skeptical perspectives on psychics, ESP and other delusions by Richard Wiseman and Robert L. Morris Palm readers, astrologers and those who claim they can talk to the dead make the rounds of national talkshows. Even police departments enlist the services of “psychic” detectives.

But what proof do we have that any of these claims are real? Richard Wiseman and Robbert Morris provide helpful and professional guidelines to help health professionals, law enforcement agencies, cult investigators, scientists, and the public at large assess those who make psychic claims.

It seems that there is no change in these guys since Randi’s extensive debunking in “Flim Flam” The Superstition and Anti-Science “community” seems to have the same riposte style as in the ”50’s Their Two Best Shots (IMO) are A). The mere presence of skeptics send out “negative vibes” that skews their experiments. B) Randi actually HAS paranormal powers, but can make more money and notoriety pretending to imitate Parapsychological flapdoodle by Stage Magic and pretending to debunk them when he’s actually using “Real Magick”(TM) Although we like to think of “New Age” poppycock as having a more extensive presence in Western Society lately, I recall my Father relating that the same kind of stuff was the Avant Guarde mode in Canon City CO ( and nationwide) in 1915. Sick Transit?? I am not a statistician, perhaps I should contact one first.

But doesn’t the analysis of the Zenner test with five possibilities taken 25 times given here make the assumption that negative numbers are possible? Indeed there are possibilities up to 25 correct (remote as it may be) but can only go down to 0.

It seems the probability curve should be skewed in this case. Indeed I do this very example in one of my science lab classes. I tell the students, if the distribution is random, it will peak somewhere around 5 but it is likely to be higher, perhaps around 6.

Most of the time, when I pool all the data among several classes, the average does fall above 5. Getting 9, 10, or even 12 correct is not uncommon. 1) To the woman who said, “Psychic power works sometimes but not others”, you can say, “You admit psychic power is unreliable – so what point is there in ever basing a prediction – or worse still, a decision – on it?” 2) At that session it would also have been useful to ask the high-scoring (= “psychic”) individuals to do the test again and even a third and fourth time. Each time approximately half these psychics would be weeded out.

The trouble is, a tiny number would appear to have “consistent” high scores – and True Believers would say “These rare people really DO have a gift!”.

Cayce circa 1911 Born Edgar Cayce ( 1877-03-18)March 18, 1877 Died January 3, 1945 ( 1945-01-03) (aged 67), Resting place Riverside Cemetery, Nationality Occupation Known for Founder of Spouse(s) Gertrude Evans ( m. 1903–1945) Children Hugh Lynn (1907–1982) Milton Porter (March 1911–May 1911) Edgar Evans (1918–2013) Parent(s) Leslie B. Cayce Carrie Cayce Website Edgar Cayce (; March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) was an American who answered questions on subjects as varied as, reincarnation, wars, and future events while claiming to be in a.

A biographer gave him the nickname, 'The '. A nonprofit organization, the, was founded to facilitate the study of Cayce's work. Some consider him the true founder and a principal source of the most characteristic beliefs of the movement.

Contents. Biography Early life Edgar Cayce was born on March 18, 1877, near Beverly, south of,. He was one of six children of farmers Carrie and Leslie B.

As a child he played with the 'little folk' and was alleged to have seen his deceased grandfather. He regarded them all as incorporeal because he could see through them if he looked hard enough.

However, he found it very difficult to keep his mind on his lessons at school. He was taken to church when he was 10, and from then he read the Bible, becoming engrossed, and completing a dozen readings by the time he was 12. In May 1889, while reading the Bible in his hut in the woods, he 'saw' a woman with wings who told him that his prayers were answered, and asked him what he wanted most of all. He was frightened, but he said that most of all he wanted to help others, especially sick children. He decided he would like to be a missionary. The next night, after a complaint from the school teacher, his father ruthlessly tested him for spelling, eventually knocking him out of his chair with exasperation. At that point, Cayce 'heard' the voice of the lady who had appeared the day before.

She told him that if he could sleep a little 'they' could help him. He begged for a rest and put his head on the spelling book. When his father came back into the room and woke him up, he knew all the answers. In fact, he could repeat anything in the book. His father thought he had been fooling before and knocked him out of the chair again. Eventually, Cayce used all his school books that way.

By 1892, the teacher regarded Cayce as his best student. On being questioned, Cayce told the teacher that he saw pictures of the pages in the books.

His father became proud of this accomplishment and spread it around, resulting in Cayce becoming 'different' from his peers. Shortly after this, Cayce exhibited an ability to diagnose in his sleep.

He was struck on the base of the spine by a ball in a school game, after which he began to act very strangely, and eventually was put to bed. He went to sleep and diagnosed the cure, which his family prepared and which cured him as he slept. His father boasted that his son was, 'the greatest fellow in the world when he's asleep.' However, this ability was not demonstrated again for several years. Cayce's uncommon personality is also shown in an unusual incident in which he rode a certain mule back to the farmhouse at the end of a work day. This stunned everyone there, as the mule could not be ridden.

The owner, thinking it may be time to break the animal in again, attempted to mount it but was immediately thrown off. Cayce left for his family in the city that evening. Marriage and family Cayce became engaged to Gertrude Evans on March 14, 1897, and they married on June 17, 1903.

They had three children: Hugh Lynn Cayce (March 16, 1907 – July 4, 1982), Milton Porter Cayce (March 28, 1911 – May 17, 1911), and Edgar Evans Cayce (February 9, 1918 – February 15, 2013). 1877 to 1912: Kentucky period Part of on.

Historic marker in downtown, in front of the building where Cayce lived and worked from 1912 to 1923. Cayce's work grew in volume as his fame grew. He asked for voluntary donations to support himself and his family so that he could practice full-time. To help raise money he invented, a card game based on the commodities trading at the, and the game is still sold today. He continued to work in an apparent trance state with a hypnotist all his life. His wife and eldest son later replaced Layne in this role. A secretary, Gladys Davis, recorded his readings in shorthand.

The growing fame of Cayce along with the popularity he received from newspapers attracted several eager commercially minded men who wanted to seek a fortune by using his clairvoyant abilities. Even though Cayce was reluctant to help them, he was persuaded to give his readings, which left him dissatisfied with himself and unsuccessful. A cotton merchant offered him a hundred dollars a day for his readings about the daily outcomes in the cotton market; however, despite his poor finances, Cayce refused the merchant's offer.

Some wanted to know where to hunt for treasures while others wanted to know the outcome of horse races. Several times he was persuaded to give such readings as an experiment. However, when he used his ability for such purposes, he did no better than chance alone would dictate. These experiments allegedly left him depleted of energy, distraught, and unsatisfied with himself. Finally, he decided to use his gift only to help the distressed and sick. In 1923, Arthur Lammers, a wealthy printer and student of metaphysics, persuaded Cayce to give readings on philosophical subjects.

Cayce was told by Lammers that, while in his trance state, he spoke of Lammers' past lives and of, something Lammers believed in. Reincarnation was a popular subject of the day but not an accepted part of Christian doctrine. Because of this, Cayce questioned his stenographer about what he said in his trance state and remained unconvinced. He challenged Lammers' charge that he had validated astrology and reincarnation in the following dialogue: Cayce: I said all that?

I couldn't have said all that in one reading. But you confirmed it. You see, I have been studying metaphysics for years, and I was able by a few questions, by the facts you gave, to check what is right and what is wrong with a whole lot of the stuff I've been reading.

The important thing is that the basic system which runs through all the mystery religions, whether they come from Tibet or the pyramids of Egypt, is backed up by you. It's actually the right system. Cayce's stenographer recorded the following: In this we see the plan of development of those individuals set upon this plane, meaning the ability to enter again into the presence of the Creator and become a full part of that creation. Insofar as this entity is concerned, this is the third appearance on this plane, and before this one, as the monk. We see glimpses in the life of the entity now as were shown in the monk, in this mode of living. The body is only the vehicle ever of that spirit and soul that waft through all times and ever remain the same.

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Cayce was quite unconvinced that he had been referring to the doctrine of reincarnation, and the best Lammers could offer was that the reading 'opens up the door' and to go on to share his beliefs and knowledge with Cayce. Lammers had come to him with quite a bit of information of his own to share with Cayce and seemed intent upon convincing Cayce now that he felt the reading had confirmed his strongly-held beliefs.

It should be noted, however, that 12 years earlier Cayce had briefly alluded to reincarnation. In reading 4841-1, given April 22, 1911, Cayce referred to the soul being 'transmigrated.' Because Cayce's readings were not systematically recorded until 1923, it is possible that he may have mentioned reincarnation in other earlier readings.

Lammers asked Cayce to come to Dayton to pursue metaphysical truth via the readings. Cayce eventually agreed and went to Dayton. Gertrude Cayce was dubious but interested.

There, Cayce produced much metaphysical information, which Cayce tried to reconcile with Christianity. Lammers declared that the fifth chapter of Matthew was the constitution of Christianity and the Sermon on the Mount was its Declaration of Independence. It appeared that Cayce's subconscious mind was as much at home with the language of metaphysics as it was with the language of anatomy and medicine. Cayce reported that his conscience bothered him severely over this conflict. His readings of reincarnations were going against his biblical teachings and at one point he wanted to cease his channeling sessions. Once again Cayce lost his voice and in a reading for himself he was informed if he was no longer going to be a channel, his mission in this life was complete. Ultimately his trance voice, the 'we' of the readings, dialogued with Cayce and finally persuaded him to continue with these kinds of readings.

Lammers wanted to ask the readings the purpose of Cayce's clairvoyance, and to put up money for an organisation supporting Cayce's healing methods. Cayce decided to accept the work and asked his family to join him in Dayton as soon as they could. But by the time the Cayces had arrived there, near the end of 1923, Lammers found himself in financial difficulties and could be of no use. Cayce used his knowledge of the Bible to convince his family that it agreed with reincarnation and other metaphysical teachings. It was at this time Cayce directed his activities to provide readings centred around health. The remedies that were channeled often involved the use of unusual electrotherapy, ultraviolet light, diet, massage, gemstones, less mental work and more relaxation in sand on the beach. His remedies were coming under the scrutiny of the American Medical Association and Cayce felt that it was time to legitimize the operations with the aid of licensed medical practitioners.

In 1925 Cayce reported while in a trance, 'the voice' had instructed him to move to across the street from the beach. He was informed that the sand's crystals would have curative properties to promote rapid healing.

1925 to 1945: Virginia Beach period. The Cayce Hospital 2006 Cayce's mature period, in which he created the several institutions that survived him, can be considered to have started in 1925. By this time he was a professional psychic with a small number of employees and volunteers. The readings increasingly came to involve occult or esoteric themes. Money was extremely scarce, but help came from interested persons. The idea of an association and a hospital was mooted again, but the readings insisted on Virginia Beach, not suiting most of the people. Gertrude Cayce began to conduct all the readings.

Morton Blumenthal, a young man who worked in the stock exchange in New York with his trader brother, became very interested in the readings, shared Cayce's outlook, and offered to finance the vision in the right spirit. He bought them a house at Virginia Beach. On May 6, 1927 the Association of National Investigations was incorporated in the state of Virginia. This would manage building the hospital and a scientific study of the readings.

Morton was president and his brother and several others were vice presidents. Cayce was secretary and treasurer, and Gladys was assistant secretary. To protect against legal prosecution, the rules required any person requesting a reading to become a member of the Association and agree they were participating in an experiment in psychic research. Early in 1928, Dr Moseley Brown, head of the psychology dept at Washington and Lee University, became convinced of the readings and joined the Association. On October 11, 1928, the dedication ceremonies for the hospital complex were held. It contained a lecture hall, library, vault for storage of the readings, and offices for research workers. There was also a large living room, a 12-car garage, servants quarters, and a tennis court.

It contained 'the largest lawn, in fact the only lawn, between the Cavalier and Cape Henry.' The first patient was admitted the next day. This facility would enable consistent checking and rechecking of the remedies, which was Cayce's goal. There were consistent remedies for many of the illnesses regardless of the patient, and Cayce hoped to produce a compendium that could be used by the medical profession. A distinguished chemist, Dr Sunker A. Bisley, DPhil (Oxon), who also used psychic knowledge to produce medicines, collaborated with Cayce to produce, an absorbable form of iodine, which was perfected and sold. The basic raison d'etre for all the cures was the 'assimilation of needed properties through the digestive system, from food taken into the body All treatments, including all schools and types of treatment, were given in order to establish the proper equilibrium of the assimilating system.'

Therapies as divergent as salt packs, poultices, hot compresses, magnetism, vibrator treatment, massage, osteopathic manipulation, dental therapy, colonics, enemas, antiseptics, inhalants, homeopathics, essential oils, mud baths were prescribed. Substances used included oils, salts, herbs, iodine, witch hazel, magnesia, bismuth, alcohol, castoria, lactated pepsin, turpentine, charcoal, animated ash, soda, cream of tartar, aconite, laudanum, camphor, and gold solution. These were prescribed to overcome conditions that prevented proper digestion and assimilation of needed nutrients from the prescribed diet. The aim of the readings was to produce a healthy body, removing the cause of the specific ailment. Readings would indicate if the patient's recovery was problematic. There was a waiting list of months ahead.

Blumenthal and Brown went ahead with ambitious plans for a university as a supplement to the hospital and a 'parallel service for the mind and spirit'. In fact, it was to dwarf the hospital and rival other universities in respectability before psychic studies would begin. It was to open on September 22, 1930. On September 16 Blumenthal called a meeting of the Association resulting in his ownership of the hospital to curb expenses. After the first semester he ceased his support of the university, and on February 26, 1931 closed down the Association. Cayce removed the files of the readings from the hospital and took them home. The years saw Cayce turn his attention to spiritual teachings.

In 1931, Edgar Cayce's friends and family asked him how they could become psychic like him. Out of this seemingly simple question came an eleven-year discourse that led to the creation of 'Study Groups'.

From his altered state, Cayce relayed to this group that the purpose of life is not to become psychic, but to become a more spiritually aware and loving person. Study Group #1 was told that they could 'bring light to a waiting world' and that these lessons would still be studied a hundred years into the future. The readings were now about dreams, coincidence (synchronicity), developing intuition, karma, the akashic records, astrology, past-life relationships, soul mates and other esoteric subjects. Hundreds of books have been published about these readings. June 6, 1931, 61 people attended a meeting to carry on the work and form a new organization called the Association for Research and Enlightenment.

In July the new association was incorporated, and Cayce legally returned the house to Blumenthal and bought another place. Hugh Lynn proposed that they develop a stock in trade rather than something grandiose, and that they build a library of research into the phenomena and hold study groups, and that Cayce would do two readings a day.

The association accepted this, and Hugh Lynn also started a monthly bulletin for association members. The bulletin contained readings on general interest subjects, interesting cases, book reviews on psychic subjects, health hints from readings, and news of psychic phenomena in other fields. Hugh Lynn narrowed the mailing list to some 300 members who were genuinely enthusiastic, and as a result the first annual congress of the assoc was held in June 1932. He procured speakers on various metaphysical and psychic subjects and included public readings by Cayce.

Members left the conference eager to start study groups in their own localities. Records were kept of everything that went on in the readings including the attitudes and routines of Cayce. Everything was then checked with the subjects of the readings, most of whom were not present during the reading, and the data was published in a study entitled '100 cases of clairvoyance.' However, the response from scientists in general was that none of the experiments were performed under test conditions. Hugh Lynn continued to build files of case histories, parallel studies in psychic phenomena, and research readings for the study groups. Association activities remained simple and un-publicized. Members raised a building fund for an office, library, and vault, which they erected in 1940-1 as a single unit added on to the Cayce residence.

No sign guided visitors to the centre. Association membership averaged 500 to 600. The turnover from year to year was approximately half this total. The other half remained a solid basis for the research work, an audience for case studies, pamphlets, bulletins—and the Congress bulletin, which was a yearbook and record of congress events. A mailing list of several thousand served people who remained interested in Cayce's activities. Members were drawn from all of the Protestant churches: from the Roman, Greek, Syrian and Armenian Catholic churches; from Theosophy, Christian Science and Spiritualism; and from many Oriental religions.

Cayce's philosophy was, if it makes you a better member of your church then it's good; if it takes you away from your church, it's bad. The philosophy of the readings was that truth is one, each organization is part of this one, therefore the A.R.E. Was not to function as a schism or in opposition to any religious organization. The goal of the work was not something new but something ancient and universal. Both sons entered the forces during the war. They both married, Hugh Lynn in 1941 and Edgar Evans in 1942. In March 1943 the first edition of the only biography written during Cayce's lifetime, by Thomas Sugrue, was published.

As a consequence, public demand increased. Office staff had to be increased, and the mailman could no longer carry all the mail so Gertrude got it from the post office by car.

Hugh Lynn was away in the forces, and Cayce coped with the letters and increased his readings to four to six per day. Cayce gained national prominence in 1943 after the publication of a high-profile article in the magazine titled 'Miracle Man of Virginia Beach'. Was taking its toll on American soldiers and he felt he could not refuse the families who requested help for their loved ones who were missing in action. He increased the frequency of his readings to eight per day to try to make an impression on the ever-growing pile of requests. He said this took a toll on his health as it was emotionally draining and often fatigued him. The readings themselves scolded him for attempting too much and that he should limit his workload to just two life readings a day or else these good efforts would eventually kill him.

From June 1943 to June 1944, 1,385 readings were taken. By August 1944 Cayce collapsed from strain. When he gave a reading on this situation, the instructions were to rest until he was well or dead.

He and Gertrude went away to the mountains of Virginia, but in September Edgar Cayce suffered a at the age of 67, in September 1944, and died on January 3, 1945. He is buried in Riverside Cemetery in,. Gertrude died 3 months later. After the death of Cayce the Association continued the work of classifying and cross referring the over 14,000 files of readings that had been taken throughout Cayce's lifetime from March 31, 1901 to September 17, 1944. The results of these have been disseminated through the Associations publications with the members as the recipients of this material. Claims for psychic abilities Until September 1923, his readings were not systematically recorded or preserved. However, an article published in the on October 10, 1922, quotes Cayce as saying that he had given 8,056 readings as of that date and it is known that he gave approximately 13,000–14,000 readings after that date.

A total of 14,306 are available at the A.R.E. Cayce headquarters in Virginia Beach and on an online member-only section along with background information, correspondence, and follow-up documentation. Other abilities that have been attributed to Cayce include, viewing the or ', and seeing. Cayce said he became interested in learning more about these subjects after he was informed about the content of his readings, which he reported that he never actually heard himself.

Supporters Cayce's clients included a number of famous people such as, and. Published books such as Many Mansions and The World Within. Published a bestseller regarding clinical recollection of past lives, Many Lives, Many Masters.

These books provide broad support for and reincarnation. Many Mansions elaborates on Cayce's work and supports his stated abilities with real life examples. Wesley Harrington Ketchum. Wesley Harrington Ketchum Ketchum was a physician who worked with Cayce in the early 1900s. Ketchum himself was born in Lisbon, Ohio on November 11, 1878 to Saunders C. Ketchum and Bertha Bennett, and was the oldest of 7 children. He graduated from the Cleveland College of Homeopathic Medicine in 1904, and took up the practice of medicine in Hopkinsville Kentucky.

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He practiced medicine in Hopkinsville until 1912. In 1913 he traveled across country to San Francisco, and took passage to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he opened a new practice. He returned to California in 1918, and established an office in Palo Alto California, practicing medicine there until the 1950s. He retired to Southern California around 1963, settling in San Marino, just outside Pasadena. He died on November 28, 1968 in Canoga Park, California.

He wrote The Discovery of Edgar Cayce, published by the in 1964. Controversy and criticism Controversy Cayce advocated some controversial ideas in his trance readings. In many trance sessions, he interpreted the history of life on Earth. One of Cayce's controversial claims was that of. According to Cayce, five human races (white, black, red, brown, and yellow) had been created separately but simultaneously on different parts of the Earth. Cayce also accepted the existence of aliens and, and claimed that 'the red race developed in Atlantis and its development was rapid.'

Another claim by Cayce was that 'soul-entities' on Earth intermingled with animals to produce 'things': giants that were as much as twelve feet tall. Historian wrote that many of Cayce's readings discussed race and skin color and that the explanation for this is that Cayce was not a racist but was influenced by the occult ideas of. Cayce declared that the was genuine, claiming he was an Atlantean colonizer who had travelled to Britain. However, the Piltdown man was exposed as a in 1953. Philosopher and skeptic, in his book, wrote, 'Cayce is one of the main people responsible for some of the sillier notions about Atlantis.' Carroll mentioned some of Cayce's ideas, including his belief in a giant solar crystal, activated by the sun, and used to harness energy and provide power on Atlantis, and his prediction that in 1958, the United States would rediscover a death ray that had been used on Atlantis. In 1930s, Cayce also incorrectly predicted that North America would experience chaos: 'Los Angeles, San Francisco.

Will be among those that will be destroyed before New York'. These events were to have happened 'in the period of '58 to '98'. Criticism Skeptics challenge Cayce's alleged abilities. Medical health experts are critical of Cayce's unorthodox treatments, which they regard as. Science writers and have suggested that the evidence for Cayce's alleged psychic powers comes from contemporaneous articles, affidavits, anecdotes, testimonials, and books., for example, wrote that while Cayce's did happen, most of the information from his trances was derived from books that Cayce had been reading by authors such as, and.

Gardner's hypothesis was that the trance readings of Cayce contain, 'little bits of information gleaned from here and there in the occult literature, spiced with occasional novelties from Cayce's unconscious.' The word 'Blavatsky' occurs via computer search 3 times, all three in the questions asked by the client. The quote 'Secret Doctrine' only occurs in questions asked by the client twice.

Many are also critical of Cayce's support for various forms of, which they regard as. Writes in, 'Uneducated beyond the ninth grade, Cayce acquired his broad knowledge through voracious reading and from this he wove elaborate tales.' Shermer wrote that, 'Cayce was fantasy-prone from his youth, often talking with angels and receiving visions of his dead grandfather.' Magician has said that 'Cayce was fond of expressions like 'I feel that' and 'perhaps'—qualifying words used to avoid positive declarations.' Examination of the readings do not show qualifying terms. Investigator has noted: Although Cayce was never subjected to proper testing, ESP pioneer of Duke University — who should have been sympathetic to Cayce's claims — was unimpressed.

A reading that Cayce gave for Rhine's daughter was notably inaccurate. Frequently, Cayce was even wider off the mark, as when he provided diagnoses of subjects who had died since the letters requesting the readings were sent. Science writer has written: The reality is that his cures were hearsay and his treatments were folk remedies that were useless at best and dangerous at worse.Cayce wasn't able to cure his own cousin, or his own son who died as a baby. Many of Cayce's readings took place after the patient had already died.

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Fundamentalist Christians are critical of Cayce's views on issues such as, and the. See also. References.

Retrieved 2011-12-18. York, Michael (1995). The Emerging Network: A Sociology of the New Age and Neo-Pagan Movements.

Rowman & Littlefield. Retrieved 2011-12-18. Sugrue, Thomas (1942).

There Is a River. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press (50th Anniversary edition). Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp.

Sugrue 2003, p. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, p.

Sugrue 2003, p. The Virginian Pilot (obituaries) 2-19-2013.

Retrieved 2011-12-19. 'The Medical Clairvoyance of Edgar Cayce'. Many Mansions.

Bowden, Henry Warner (1993). Dictionary of American Religious Biography (Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged ed.). Greenwood Publishing Group.

Sugrue, Thomas (1942). There Is a River. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press (50th Anniversary edition). Sugrue 2003, pp. 'The Medical Clairvoyance of Edgar Cayce'.

Many Mansions. Sugrue 2003, p.

Sugrue 2003, pp. 116-120. (1999). 'The Medical Clairvoyance of Edgar Cayce'. Many Mansions. Sugrue 2003, pp. 'The Medical Clairvoyance of Edgar Cayce'.

Many Mansions. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp.

Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp.

Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp. My Life as a Seer: The Lost Memoirs. Cayce, Hugh Lynn (2004).

The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce's Power. Sugrue 2003, p. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, p. Sugrue 2003, p.

Sugrue 2003, pp. 'An answer to the Riddles of Life'. Many Mansions. Sugrue 2003, pp. Auken, John Van (2005). Edgar Cayce on the Revelation. Eventually Edgar Cayce, following advice from his own readings, moved to, and set up a hospital.

^ Miller, Timothy (1995). America's Alternative Religions. Sugrue 2003, ch. Sugrue 2003, pp.

Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp.

Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp.

Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp.

Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, p.

Sugrue 2003, pp. 346–7, 354. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp. ^ Sugrue 2003, p. Callahan, Kathy L. In The Image Of God And The Shadow Of Demons: A Metaphysical Study Of Good And Evil.

Trafford Publishing. Browne, Sylvia; Harrison, Lindsay. Prophecy: What the Future Holds for You. Retrieved 2010-06-30. Sugrue 2003, pp. Sugrue 2003, pp.

EdgarCayce.org. Bro, Harmon Hartzell. Edgar Cayce: A Seer out of Season, Aquarian Press, London, 1990.

Edgar Cayce: an American prophet, Sidney Kirkpatrick, 2000. Retrieved 2014-06-01. Retrieved 2014-06-01. Cleveland Medical and Surgical Reporter. Missing or empty title=. Retrieved 2014-06-01. Orser, Charles E.

Race and Practice in Archaeological Interpretation. University of Pennsylvania Press. Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age. Brill Academic Publishing. 114 and the footnote at the bottom of the page.

^ Fagan, Garrett G. Alternative Archaeology.

The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience. Retrieved 2016-11-07. The matter of Edgar Cayce boils down to a vague mass of garbled data, interpreted by true believers who have a very heavy stake in the acceptance of the claims. Put to the test, Cayce is found to be bereft of powers. His reputation today rests on poor and deceptive reporting of the claims made by him and his followers, and such claims do not stand up to examination.

Renner, John H. HealthSmarts: How to Spot the Quacks, Avoid the Nonsense, and Get the Facts that Affect Your Health.

Health Facts Publishing. 'Some quacks, such as Edgar Cayce, attributed their powers to God. Cayce, who made his diagnoses while in trance, claimed that his healing powers came from God. To treat patients he used spinal manipulation as well as Red Bug Juice and Oil of Smoke in his cures.' .

Raso, Jack. Retrieved 18 January 2017. Edgar Cayce in Context: The Readings, Truth and Fiction.

State University of New York Press., 2002,. Missing Pieces: How to Investigate Ghosts, UFOs, Psychics, & Other Mysteries. Prometheus Books. Looking for a Miracle: Weeping Icons, Relics, Stigmata, Visions & Healing Cures. Prometheus Books. Stollznow, Karen.

Language Myths, Mysteries and Magic. Palgrave Macmillan.

Gleghorn, Michael (2002). Probe Ministries. Retrieved 5 January 2014. Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment. Retrieved 5 January 2014.

Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment. Retrieved 6 October 2016. Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment. Retrieved 5 January 2014. Further reading. In Encyclopedia of the Paranormal edited.

Prometheus Books. Cayce, Edgar Evans. Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, New York: Hawthorn, 1968,. Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation.

1950, Signet Book, reissue edition 1990,. An American Prophet, Riverhead Books, 2000,. Kittler, Glenn D. Edgar Cayce on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Warner Books, 1970,. Puryear, Herbert B. The Edgar Cayce Primer: Discovering The Path to Self-Transformation, Bantam Books, New York, Toronto, Copyright © September 1982 by Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. Stearn, Jess.

The Sleeping Prophet, Bantam Books, 1967,. Sugrue, Thomas. There Is a River, A.R.E. Press, 2003,. Todeschi, Kevin, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, 1998, External links.